Over the years, Quora has become a place for business owners to build their brand by providing answers to questions in their niche. You don't have to be an expert to thoroughly understand how it works; just read the information below and follow the quick guide and you'll be good to go.

What is Quora?According to Google, Quora is a question-and-answer website where questions are asked, answered, edited, and organized by its community of users. Former Facebook employees Adam D'Angelo and Charlie Cheever founded the website in 2009 and launched it in June 2010.

Why Should I Choose Quora for Marketing?• According to Quantcast Corporation, a company that provides free demographics measurement, approximately 775,000 people access Quora monthly in the U.S alone.• It allows professionals to demonstrate their expertise by providing answers to questions asked about their industry.• It provides a variation of opinions and insights from numerous users.• Knowledge seekers learn from different users, from normal netizens to industry professionals.• Users can extend information by sharing them on different social media platforms.• It gives direct answers to users asking about a brand or business.

How Do I Join Quora?

Create an AccountSign up with ease by connecting your Facebook, Twitter, or Google account. You can also choose to click "continue with email" to create using an email address.


Edit ProfileOn the upper right corner, click your name then "Profile" to edit your information.

Add user information including About, Education, Employment, Location and a short bio.


MessagesLike other social networking platforms, Quora has an inbox that allows users to send private messages to one another.


Upvote/DownvoteUsers have the capability to Upvote or Downvote an answer if they find it helpful or not.


Track and Follow TopicsType a question or a keyword in the search box to track topics, related queries, and answers.


Submit Questions or AnswersClick the "Ask Question" button on the upper rightmost part to enter a query in the system. Note: Questions and answers can be posted anonymously.


Answer a Question and Comment on AnswersClick the "Write" button to view questions from Questions For You.


You can leave a comment on other people's answers by clicking on "Comment" from your home page.


Social Media SharingClick on the "Share" button, located beside "Comments", to share a question or answer on Facebook, Twitter, and other sites.


Quora is highly useful to an online marketing company because it's a tool that can efficiently gain knowledge of its target audience's interests and establish brand awareness. What are you waiting for? Start engaging today!




Source: Buffersocial, Social Times, Kissmetrics, Business News Daily, Quora, Mac Life, Quantcast



Source : articlesbase.com


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