Temperature process controllers, as the name implies, are devices used in various industrial applications to control temperature. They use temperature sensors to receive inputs, and have control units to deliver output. They require minimal human intervention to control the process temperature. The control unit in a controller can be a heater or a cooling system. Temperature controllers can be broadly categorized into on-off, proportional and PID. Each has its own use in different systems and industrial processes.

On/Off ControllersOn-off controllers are the simplest temperature control devices. The output is either on or off at one time. The output switches from one state to another when the temperature crosses the set point. The output is on when the temperature is below set point, and off when the output is above set point. The cycle continues until the temperature reaches the desired set point.

Proportional ControllersDesigned to eliminate the on-off cycling, proportional controllers decrease the average power supplied to the control element or heater as the temperature reaches desired setpoint. This prevents the heater to overshoot the setpoint. The controller performs this proportioning action by turning the output on and off at regular interval of time. The action occurs around the setpoint within a "proportional band".

PID ControllersThey are the most commonly used controllers. They provide proportional with integral and derivative control (PID). They have two additional adjustments along with the proportional control. The additional adjustments help the unit automatically compensate for change in the system. When compared to other types of controllers, they provide the most accurate and stable control. These controllers are suitable in the systems where the load changes frequently and the controller is expected to respond quickly for the changes.

If you are looking to buy a temperature controller for ovens, chillers, sterilisers or other heating/cooling systems, Eurotherm 2132 manual and Eurotherm 2116 are the best choices available in the market. Known for high accuracy, easy installation and user-friendliness, these controllers provide stable control. They are available 1/32 and 1/16 DIN panel sizes. Advanced PID algorithms are used in the Eurotherm 2100 series to provide more accurate and stable control. The self-tuning feature is installed in the controller to optimize the control performance. Users can configure the outputs for heating, cooling or alarms as desired. Three internal set points can be set as high, low or deviation. To prevent unnecessary operator alerts, alarms can also be blocked. The operator interface can be customized to present the required parameters only.

Source : articlesbase.com


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