Like two peas in a pod in the world of luxury, cigars and whiskey complete each other. The two finer things work greatly to enhance your smoking and drinking experience. For smokers, cigar smoking is a pleasure. Cigars are mainly a symbol of class and indulgence. A smooth and an aromatic cigar offers smokers an excellent way to celebrate and relax. In the modern age, international cigar smoking has become a style statement for many high class individuals and personalities. Reasonating with flavor, cigars are gradually becoming popular amongst more and more individuals.

While enjoying a flavorsome smoke, have you ever wondered how it is made? Cigars are either made by hand or are machine made. To manufacture handmade cigars, the tobacco leaves are picked, sorted, and bundled manually. Unlike other companies, Cuban Crafters are known worldwide as one of the exceptional quality tobacco growers and cigar makers. Manufacturing finest quality cigars involves an extensive labor-intensive process. Here in this write-up, let's walk you through the manufacturing process of cigars:

How Cigars Are Made

Right from growing tobacco plants to rolling cigars, the manufacturers have to go through labor-intensive process to craft amazing cigars the world craves for. Let's understand their manufacturing process:

Cultivation Of Tobacco Plants: The plants of tobacco are first seeded indoors and after six to ten weeks, they are transplanted into fields. It takes several months for the plants to get matured in the field.

Curing: After harvesting process, it's time for curing the leaves. Once the leaves are dried brown or yellow in color, the tobacco leaves are cured. In the curing process, the harvested plants are hung to narrow strips of wood which are termed as laths.

Fermenting: Soon after the curing process, the leaves are sorted by size and color. They are tied in bundles and are kept in boxes for a time frame ranging from six months to five years. During this time period, the leaves undergo chemical transformation known as fermentation. In the process, the taste and aroma of the leaves develop.

Stripping: The leaves are stripped and are wrapped in bales to be stored for further fermentation. Before the leaves are ready to be turned into cigars, they are steamed for restoring their lost humidity and are then sorted again.

Wrapping: The partially completed cigars are placed on wrapper leaf. With the help of a special rounded knife, any irregularities from the filler are trimmed and then the wrapper leaf is rolled around the filler.

Rolling: Finest cigars are rolled by hand. The filler in the cigars should be packed evenly for the cigar to burn smoothly. They can even be rolled by machine.

Storing: The cigars are stored in cedar bins and the temperature and humidity conditions are kept ideal for the cigars to be stored for three weeks to a year.

Seasoning: Inter-marrying of cigars within each bundle is the second aspect of the aging process. When the cigars are kept in a room for a limited time frame, they absorb each others aroma and oil. With this, all the cigars taste and smell alike. Now, the cigars are ready for smoking.

Today, the cigars are available in different brands. There are many online companies that ensure global cigar delivery to buyers. So, buy a cigar of finest brand and enjoy its flavorsome taste.


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