There are many people who become fascinated with the world of collecting because they are often reminded of the characters, themes, songs, and influences while an individual is growing up. Whenever I see the logo "Star Wars," I instantly start thinking about the characters such as Luke Skywalker, Obiwan Kenobi, and Darth Vader, along with the mesmerizing film scores that define Star Wars. Over the past few years I have started collecting various Star Wars memorabilia because all of it has played an important part of my life while growing up.

Almost every week, I go online and search for anything that has to do with Star Wars. I tend not to buy anything brand new unless I really want a specific item. I constantly search websites like Craigslist and eBay to find deals well below the retail value. Many people don't care or take time to check what their item is actually worth. Another great way to find good deals is by going to local swap meets and garage sales. People will have boxes and boxes of items that they no longer interested in and from my own experience, I have found a large variety of items that are worth collecting.

Keep in mind, if you decide to start collecting, be aware that it can be addictive and you should have some sort of idea on where to draw the line. When I first started collecting, I would continuously buy items and I started to feel that my habits were starting to take control of my financial life. If you start to develop a bad habit on impulse buy, stop, and thoroughly think through your purchase. Ask yourself, "Can I actually afford this item?" or "Do I really need/want this item?" I have prevented myself from buying numerous items because I made sure that I set a boundary/limit on buying collectable items. Collecting can become a great hobby, but as a consumer, you need to be able to control your spending. In my personal experience, I compare retail prices online and then look at what the item is selling for on websites such as Craigslist or eBay. If the item is significantly lower on Craigslist or eBay, I will usually purchase the item. When comparing items online, be careful of scalpers. Scalpers tend to sell "hot items" at well over retail prices. Just because an item is considered "rare," it does not mean that it is worth the price they are trying to sell the item at. If you start collecting, just remember one thing, be a smart shopper.

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