The necessity of computer networks in the workplace has caused IT services to become an essential part of any office. Technology is the most wonderful thing, until it doesn't work correctly. When network issues arise that affect the productivity within an office, the IT department is the first group an employee will turn to for help. IT services in Greenville, SC, are imperative to smooth functioning within a workplace. When any type of technology is present in an office setting, IT services become absolutely invaluable.

There are 4 main IT services that a company cannot do without. These include help desk services, file recovery, remote monitoring, and mobile device management.

Help Desk

Having access to a help desk makes all the difference for employees working with any kind of computer network in a business setting. Not every company is able to have an IT department located within their office. Having access to a help desk provides employees assistance with any problems that may arise, including trouble with passwords, problems with accounts, and any other network issues. For employees, knowing there is someone they can call, email, or send a chat to for immediate assistance makes all the difference.

File Recovery

There is nothing worse than having a computer crash and self-delete, erasing every file and document that an employee saved on it. Oftentimes these items are irreplaceable. A devastating event like this can easily be remedied when a company has a file recovery system set up with their IT department. These backup systems can be set up to provide restoration of any critical files, applications, and emails that may be lost in the event that a computer crashes. Backup software can also be installed that will replicate documents and help protect important files.  

Remote Monitoring

An excellent IT company will offer around-the-clock monitoring every day of the year. This monitoring will include keeping tabs on the network to be sure any issues are caught and corrected before they even become a problem. IT personnel will be constantly on alert, looking for anything that may compromise the network. System status reports can be provided on a regular basis, showing a business any potential issues that have been found, including how many inactive users there are, the status of anti-virus protection, and how many users have set their passwords to never expire. A scale can even be provided that shows the level of risk the company is at, indicating how likely it is that their system may be hacked.

Mobile Device Management

Maintaining control over what devices have access to a company's network is a very important feature of IT services. With this service, a person within IT can impose restrictions on specific devices. This may include blocking a device from having access to certain files or portions of the network that need to remain confidential. Through this service, a mobile device can be located and locked remotely, and the IT department will have control over any and all installations that occur within the network. Having full control over the devices that can access a company's network is important to ensure no unwanted devices can log into it.

IT services in Greenville, SC, are imperative to the operations of any company. When a business uses a computer network, there is always the potential for a problem to arise, and technical issues to come up that need immediate attention. The services provided by an IT company are invaluable—without them, a company cannot run smoothly.

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