1. See Yourself with the Perfect PartnerEnvision the perfect relationship. That's the start of your journey to a great relationship. Imagine someone with all the qualities you're looking for and having that special someone as your soulmate. Your imagination will open doors and lead you to that special person. Take time out of your day and see yourself in this situation. Before you know it, that person will be in your life. In this case, mental imagery is your tool. Often couples will say they knew he  or she was the right one. This is because prior to meeting, each partner had envisioned some set of ideas they wanted. In other words, they had the perfect partner with those qualities in their mind. It's very important to pay attention to what you're thinking. You might be thinking of a special relationship for yourself but have a friend in a poor relationship. You need to not think of your friend with a poor relationship and continue to think yourself in a great one! Remember, your relationship is special for you. Believe it or not when we see other people in poor relationships, it can rub off on you since you've been exposed to the idea of a poor relationship.2. Ask Yourself What You're Looking forDoing a self assessment of your needs in a relationship is tantamount to your relationship success. See what makes you happiest in a person. You might want a great wife and parent and might find that in someone. You might have more money than you'll ever need and not need the financial support of your partner so a wealthy or well off partner isn't a requirement. Or you might want to be a homemaker raising children. You'll want to make sure your partner can provide the basics so you can raise your children and take care of your home with peace of mind. Having a partner who meets your needs in a relationship is the basis of contentment in your relationship.3. Look in the Right PlacesEveryone has heard the phrase "Looking for love in all the wrong places". Well you want to make sure you're looking for love in all the right places. Join interest groups such as bird watching or book clubs. There's lots of activities that bring people together that are perfect places to meet new friends and lovers. You can meet people from online dating sites or join online communities and meet new people this way as well. You can check your local newspaper or magazine for a list of great places where people are getting together. You can take a cooking course for example, learn a new skill and meet new potential mates along the way! There are as many ways to meet new people as your imagination can take you. Stay open to new ideas and be ready.4. Make Sure You Meet Each Other HalfwayRelationships are not one sided affairs. It takes two to tango!  And you have to remember you'll have to negotiate everything from the start including seeing each other. You'll need to compromise on somethings from time to time. One couple I know have different tastes in movies . He likes action adventure and she likes art house , relationship driven movies. They compromised by having every other movie they be one he likes or she likes. This way they get the companionship they love while going to the movies and explore movies they wouldn't see otherwise. Meeting each other halfway is part ot the basics of any great relationship. And it's not just movie decisions. It could be where to live, schools to send children to or other decisions that require both partners to meet each halfway.5. Keep Your Standards UpWhile it's important to make compromises and meet each other halfway sometimes, your relationship shouldn't be so many compromises that you don't enjoy the relationship. Keeping your standards up will help you keep your chin up in this situation and be proud of yourself and your partner. Meeting at interest groups is often great since you can get insight into the person on an objective basis before any relationship has ever begun. Before one famous couple married, she worked for him. She was able to rise to head her own division at this company. He was able to see all the great qualities she possesed before starting any relationship. Now the two of them are married and coworkers in one of the world's largest charitable organizations. I'm sure each partner in this case had mutual respect for each other as coworkers. Each partner has a sense of satisfaction in their choice of mate based on work ethic and productivity based on respect. Keeping your standards up  helps you in the long run enjoy a more satisfying relationship. These tips are a few that will get you on your way to a great satisfying relationship. Seeing yourself in a great relationship is where it starts.  There are lots of great places to meet that special someone including free online dating websites. Following these simple steps will lead you to your soulmate and you can even thank yourself and God for taking the chance and making the choices to get there.

Source : articlesbase.com


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