The magic of those first few dates with someone you are excited about can be hard to get back after years of being together. In order to keep the romance alive in your marriage, it is a good idea to set aside some date time with your spouse. It is easy to get stuck in a routine at home, and while hanging out with the person you love the most is always enjoyable, even if you are just watching TV, a great date can bring back the joy and excitement of your first weeks together. From a weekend getaway to a couples massage in Boston, MA, there is sure to be something that would make a great date for you and your spouse.5 Dates to Keep the Romance Alive1. Plan a weekend getaway. This date takes a little more time and planning, but it can be just the ticket to spark that romance. If you are planning the trip as a surprise for your spouse, be sure to keep your spouse in mind. Don't plan your ideal camping trip if you know your spouse doesn't enjoy camping. Make this about what your spouse would enjoy together. It might be a stay in a fancy hotel close to home--away from kids, housework, or other at-home distractions. You might want to go a little farther from home and explore somewhere new. Plan something that works for the 2 of you.2. Indulge at that expensive restaurant. Is there a place that you or your spouse have always wanted to eat but it just seems too expensive? Save up if needed, and make it happen. Dress your best, and treat yourselves. Doing something extra special like this can help you remember just how special you and your spouse are to one another. If it really is out of your budget to treat yourself to a nice dinner, go take a look at the menu and choose 1 or 2 items to go and try to make at home. Look up recipes, and spend an evening cooking together.3. Go on a picnic. You don't have to be extravagant to make a meal special. Something low key and low budget can still be exactly what you need to reconnect. A picnic is a fun way to get out and enjoy the outdoors and your partner. Pick a favorite park or travel a little farther to find a picnic area somewhere more remote. Bring pictures of when you were dating and bring back the butterflies.4. Go to a museum. Choose a museum you haven't been to before or that you haven't explored together. Split up and choose your favorite piece at the museum or 1 thing that really interests or intrigues you. Then meet up with your spouse and talk about the different pieces or exhibits that you have chosen. You might find that you learn something new about your spouse. This is also a great way to spark conversation that doesn't revolve around your jobs, kids, or everyday life.5. Get a couples massage. Many married couples get so preoccupied with their busy lives that they rarely take time to truly relax together. Feeling overwhelmed and harried can make your relationships at home feel more tense. Take a spa day and leave the bustle behind. Book a couples massage in Boston, MA, and enjoy some quiet time together. The massage will relieve tension in you both and leave you feeling relaxed and ready to start fresh. Spend some time together after the massage and enjoy a feeling of peace, calm, and contentment.

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