If you are in need of a 24 hour locksmith or an emergency locksmith, it generally means that you're in a vulnerable position and you want to do what is necessary to protect your family, your home and your possessions as quickly and as securely as possible. Unfortunately, there are dishonest locksmith services out there that prey on desperate home and car owners when they are most in need of protection by grossly overcharging them for poor quality, below par work. Here are four tips on how to be aware of a locksmith scam and some advice on how to avoid falling victim to any of them:1. PricingOne of the easiest ways to spot a locksmith scam is unusually low pricing. Unlicensed locksmiths looking to make a quick buck will often advertise their services at very low prices to trick unsuspecting customers into hiring them. They often completely dissemble or damage the lock and charge an extortionate price to finish the job. The easiest way to avoid this scam is to price a number of local locksmiths and compare the quotations. 2. ReputationA good locksmith is easily identifiable by the reputation they carry. Try to talk to as many people as you can and find out what locksmiths they have dealt with and their opinions on the service they received. Make a note of those that are positively reviewed on online review websites as many of these sites will expose dishonest locksmiths. If anything negative is said about a locksmith, it's best to steer clear.3. Background checksBefore you hire a locksmith, it is important to make sure that have been properly checked and vetted. A bogus locksmith may not have undergone a criminal record check and so in hiring one of these locksmiths, you may be giving a criminal access to your home or car. A good locksmith or emergency locksmith will be able to volunteer proof of their background check which will give you peace of mind.4. Locksmith vehicleWhen a locksmith arrives to assist you, pay close attention to their vehicle. A legitimate locksmith should arrive in a clearly marked vehicle that displays the company name and all relevant contact details. If your locksmith turns up to help you in an unmarked vehicle, you should deal with them in a cautious manner and look for some additional signs that they are who they say they are.While the majority of locksmiths are honest and reliable, there are a select few who prey on the vulnerable and will turn your bad situation into a nightmare. With our tips, you can make sure that you avoid the bad eggs and select the right locksmith for you.

Source : articlesbase.com


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