MTFHR is an acronym for methylenetetrahydroflate reductase. It is a very important enzyme in the body. Methylation is a metabolic process which repairs DNA and switches genes on and off. It also converts both folic acid and folates to their usable form for the body. MTFHR is essential for methylation to occur. MTFHR mutation can cause consequences to your health.MTFHR genetics are triggers the production of MTFHR enzymes. Around half or less of us carry a mutation of our MTFHR DNA which we inherit from our parents. These mutations can be seen as a defect which limits the production of the MTFHR enzymes. Some people remain unaffected by these and never show any symptoms. But for some, their enzyme efficiency drops considerably.

When folate and folic acid do not function properly, they cannot perform their key function which is recycling homocysteine. This can become a risk factor for heart diseases, stroke and other forms of cardiovascular diseases. Scientists believe the lack of recycling homocysteine causes other health conditions, such as Alzheimer's disease, hearing loss, cancer and macular degeneration. A folate deficiency has many health implications on its own. However, it should be clear that it is not the mutation itself that is a cause of any disease or any disability.This condition causes health consequences. If you have experienced one or more miscarriages, then many doctors recommend a MTHFR mutation test. Long-term gastrointestinal issues, such as an irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is also a common symptom of MTHFR mutation, but not always. Sometimes it could also be the caused by an autoimmune irregularity. Apart from this, it has been observed that long term or recurring episodes of depression and anxiety could also be a related risk. However, these are based more of anecdotes than on scientific findings.MTFHR mutation is not inherently dangerous, but it must be understood that any form of genetic mutation can affect one's health and pose certain risk factors. HELLP syndrome is another life-threatening condition that is associated with pregnancy and childbirth. The MTFHR mutation may affect the genetic predisposition to HELLP syndrome. Thus, MTFHR testing could be extremely useful during a pregnancy.MTFHR epigenetics is a vast field with many people researching the various causes and consequences of such mutations. Many suggest diet and nutritional recommendations for these conditions and is not something without a solution. Improving your dietary habits can be very helpful. Include beans, lentils, greens, avocadoes, oranges and mangoes in your diet. All these are good sources of folates, which can create an active form 5-MTFH which can be utilized well by the body. Folate supplements may also help.

Doctors who treat MTHFR is not easy to find. Our directory helps you to find mthfr physicians who trained in methylation and treatments for mthfr gene mutation. We also provide the largest study material for both patients and doctors to assist in the research about mthfr dna, genetics, epigenetics and more. For further details, please visit our website.

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