Today, the most challenging task in media setting or filed is to confront with marketers, facing challenges and setbacks that they never faced before. The present market situation poses several challenges in front of the marketers, besides developing and implementing a strong marketing strategy. They are tasked with educating and managing furious, multi-headed beast. While performing varied jobs, a marketer faces various obstacles. Here are some obstructions faced by the marketers, along with tips to overcome from them.

1. Advertisements not getting noticed: According to an advertising company, approx. 55% of the digital ads get unnoticed by the customer or viewer. There are several reasons to this that range from lack of plug-in support, ad-blocking browser extensions to multiple uploading problems. This simply means that half of the total amount allocated towards digital advertising is used ineffectively.

To overcome from this issue, it is advisable for online marketers to buy advertising from companies that guarantee the ads will be seen by maximum no. of viewers. By prioritizing the visibility, the effectiveness of the ad campaign can be easily boosted.2. Change in Google's Search Algorithm: Frequently changing Google SEO algorithm also caused some problems to various businesses. It caused reduced traffic as well as revenue decrease for most of the websites and required timely and ingenious solutions by the companies to acclimatize the positive change.

An effective way to make Google's new search algorithm work for your organization is to line-up responsive web design with a mobile-friendly site. This will help in placing your website on top of the search results, irrespective of the type of the device. Also, always use white-hat SEO technique, focused on creative, relevant and comprehensive content.

3. Unproductive Consumer Targeting: An effective targeting is essential to influence customers and to make sales. If consumer targeting is not done correctly i.e. the content on the website won't match with the needs of the audiences, there will be a disconnection between the brand and the potential customers. Therefore, it is important to put some time and effort on the research and creation of detailed picture of the ideal buyer, before actually creating any content. Also, create different buyer's persona, an imaginary, generalized image of target customers, to fit diverse demographic categories, unique needs, and different behavioral profiles.4. Use of Obsolete Technology: Use of outdated technology makes your brand irrelevant in the marketing world. So, always stay updated and informed about the newest developments in the field of technology as well as in social media. One good news for the marketers is that there are some resources through which it is easier to track new and effective technologies. HubSpot and Moz are the resources that help marketers to get in-depth and digestible articles and guides about marketing.

5. Inadequate Growth of Emails: For every marketer, email growth should be the priority. According to a research, email marketing is 20 times more effective than banner ads, providing more return on investments. Email marketing gives marketers an ability to stay in direct contact with the customers. Also, as compared to social networking sites, emails provide high conversion rate; therefore, poor email growth is unfavorable for all marketing efforts.There are various useful methods and ways through which a marketer can quickly and effectively expand its email list. Some tactics are-offering quality content and providing services like SumoMe's List Builder.

6. Lack of video and visual skills: Absence of right and adequate knowledge about videos and visual skills in marketers makes it difficult to formulate a successful marketing plan. So, to make a good and value-driven marketing strategy, it is necessary for marketers to gain the skills that are important to succeed in the world of infographics.

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