You skin health is directly related to your diet. Apart from environmental conditions, hormones, genetics, your diet plays a vital role in determining your skin's health. There is very little that you can do about the remaining three, so you should pay careful attention to the food that you eat. Here are some tips from the best dermatologist in Bangalore.Say NO to high carb foodsA lot of research has gone into determining the cause of acne. It has been found that high carb foods can worsen this skin condition. Glycemic foods are those that instantly increase the glucose levels in your blood stream. When the sugar levels increase, the body automatically steps up insulin production to combat the glucose levels. High levels of insulin cause acne. Start saying no to high sugar food, junk food and dishes made with refined sugar. You will definitely see a marked improvement in your skin health. When you go for an acne treatment to your dermatologist in Bangalore, you can also consult with them about your diet plan.Say YES to fresh foodFresh fruits and veggies have loads of essential nutrients such as vitamin A, zinc, selenium, and antioxidants. They also are a rich source of fiber. All these good nutrients will help improve your skin health. Add fresh salads and juices to your diet. You can also snack on carrots, dry fruits, and other fruits when you have hunger pangs instead of binging on junk food. The side effect is better weight management. If possible, try to cut down on meat and add more veggies to your daily diet.REDUCE dairy productsDairy products are a rich source of calcium, so it is important to have them in the diet. However, adding more such products to your diet can worsen your acne problem. Certain components in milk stimulate the production of the testosterone hormone that can increase acne. Moreover, milk products also increase the production of an insulin-like growth factor in the body. This factor can cause blackheads and pimples to erupt on the skin. The solution is to switch to light dairy products such as yogurt and kefir, which are rich in probiotics.Hope these tips from the best dermatologist in Bangalore will help reduce the acne problem in your skin. However, if the condition persists, then you should consult your dermatologist in Bangalore to check for other causes of acne.

Best Dermatologist in Bangalore

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