An outstanding and very unique feature of Indian cooking is the inclusion of spices. Indian food is well known throughout the world for its fragrance and unique flavour. Spices and herbs enrich, tweak and enhance the properties of the other ingredients that make up a healthy, tasty delicacy. Some of the most common Indian spices are listed below:

  • Red pepper
  • Black pepper
  • Cloves
  • Cardamom
  • Cinnamon
  • Chilli
  • Asafoetida
  • Mustard seeds
  • Cumin
  • Poppy
  • Saffron
  • Turmeric powder
  • Tamarind  

In Indian households spices are freshly ground before preparing the meal, so that it can be added freshly to the vegetables cooking to contribute to the right flavour. Along with enhancing taste Indian spices are known for their health benefits. These spices have the ability to kill harmful germs and bacteria, which makes them a natural remedy for curing numerous health issues.

Some medicinal benefits of spices are

  • Turmeric is a natural antiseptic and acts as an antioxidant.
  • Ginger keeps the body warm and aids in digestion.
  • Bays leaves are well known for their ability to purify blood.

You too can cure numerous health issues by purchasing spices online and finding natural remedies that make your body healthy and enhance fitness.

If you have fallen in love with Indian food or the taste added by spices you can purchase and experiment with the unique flavours. You can purchase spices at your local store, however chances of finding all spices are fairly less. Local stores only have a limited quantity and collection while the quality might not be fairly high. Thus, these spices may have lost their flavour and fragrance with time. The alternative method to obtain spices and herbs is through spice online store. When you purchase spices from a reputed online store you will find a wide ranging collection of superior quality spices at reasonable rates.  

While buying herbs and spices online there are certain tips that need to be followed. If you follow these tips you will be able to find a reliable online store for regularly purchasing spices, herbs and other ingredients. Listed below are some tips:

  • When you find an online store offering genuine Indian spices and herbs the first thing you need to check is the product list, so as to determine whether the ingredients required by you are available at this store.
  • The next thing you need to check is the number of years for which this online store has been operating. Purchase herbs online only when you are sure that the store has been in this business for quite a while. If this store is fairly popular you need not worry about adulteration and inferior quality spices. 
  • Are you buying spice online for the first time? You need to keep one thing in mind whenever buying spices from a new online or local store. Start by buying small quantities. You get a chance to determine the quality of goods delivered. Spices lose their flavour and fragrance as they age, so buying in small quantities allows you to use it within a short duration without wasting. 
  • If you regularly spices you can purchase it in bulk or you could also share these supplies so that purchasing at reasonable rates is possible.                

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