Tennis is an important game that involves a lot of coordination, balance, power and most importantly, regular practice. Even seasoned players too need to improve their performance and crafting flawless serve is a sure shot way to win a tennis match. If you want to take your tennis performance to its next level, you need to improve your tennis serve as much as you can. This article will highlight on a few essential tips that you should follow to develop expertise in tennis serve technique in the best possible way. Determine your position You should stand at least six to seven inches behind baseline and you should try to keep right foot at parallel position with baseline, almost three to four feet from centre. You should then keep left foot few inches in front position of right foot in order to create T position. Make sure that toes of left foot should be at least six to seven inches away from baseline. Your next step is to move left foot in upward direction till the line and then turn front portion of left foot inward almost up to three inches. Your instructor at private tennis lesson in Palo Alto allows you to improve your tennis serve technique like never before. Improve your grip You must hold your ball with palm as well as fingers of left hand being lifted in upward direction. You should then pick your racquet from flat position with right hand as well as hold it as if you have to shake your arms with it. Make sure that you would extend index finger a little bit. Toss it well Bring the hands down and keep your ball above tennis racquet. Look at the court in diagonal position and find out where you wish to serve it. If you wish to toss the ball, you first have to think that racquet is extension of arm and face of racquet is your own hand. In order to gauge the height of the ball you have tossed out, you should assume as if you have been throwing the ball and not hitting it with racquet head as your own hand.  Make sure you allow your tennis ball to drop till seven to right inches in the front side of front foot. Maintain contact with your ball Once you toss the ball successfully, you should then drop head of racquet on your back as if you want to scratch it and then try to hit it properly. You should then hit into that ball as well as hit it out in the court. Whenever you swing, you should keep eyes on contact point just after you are able to hit ball in the best possible way. Most instructors of summer tennis camp in Palo Alto teach innovative techniques to the participants and help them to serve effectively. All you need to do is to keep feet on ground as if you want to hop and jump. To be able to serve properly, you need to develop your balance. Unless you are not balanced, there is possibility that your toss may end up going too far in front portion or in backward direction.

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