Nobody wants to be injured on the job. Imagine what it's like to be home and injured, removed from your normal routine, most likely in pain, going to doctor's appointments and no longer able to support your family. The workers' comp process can be fraught with stress and cause for frustration. Then imagine having your employer or claims professional treat you as if you were faking your injury or trying to cheat them out of money and you can begin to see why an injured worker might seek legal counsel.

You absolutely need the Law Offices of Andrew S. Kasmer, P.C.  to get the maximum amount possible in your case by negotiating with insurance companies, adjusting settlements, or fighting for your best interests in court. Always remember an insurance company will not tell you everything you need to know, as they are never on your side. Don't forget that your employer and its insurance company has lawyers to have legal advise You are entitled to legal advise as well.

Every day is important. There are certain actions that must be taken in a timely manner in order to recover the most for you, your family or loved one. The moment any complexity is introduced into your case is the moment you should hire an attorney. For example, in any of the following situations, you should contact the Law Offices of Andrew S. Kasmer, P.C.:

  • Your employer denies your claim or you fail to receive your benefits promptly.Employers and workers' comp insurers routinely reject bona fide workers' comp claims, confident that many workers will fail to appeal. Unfortunately, they're usually correct. Up to 80% of individuals who are hurt at work simply accept the denial of their claim without appealing. Hiring a workers' comp attorney costs nothing up front, and gives you the best chance to receive a fair settlement for your injuries.
  • Your employer's settlement offer doesn't cover all your lost wages or medical bills. If you're not sure your settlement offer is good enough, if you really want someone to get you the best settlement possible, call an attorney.
  • Your medical issues prevent you from returning to your prior job, or from performing any work at all. If you've suffered permanent partial disability or permanent total disability, you may be entitled to lifetime weekly payments (or a single lump sum) to make up for your lost wages. These types of case can be monumentally expensive for insurance companies, and they'll often stop at nothing to avoid paying you what you deserve. A knowledgeable workers' comp attorney is essential in cases involving permanent injuries or illness.
  • You receive Social Security disability benefits. If your workers' comp settlement isn't structured properly, Social Security may be entitled to a large portion of your benefits. An experienced attorney will understand how to draft your settlement agreement to minimize or eliminate this offset.
  • Your boss retaliates against you for filing a workers' comp claim. If your boss has fired you, demoted you, slashed your hours, reduced your pay, or engaged in any other form of discrimination because you filed a workers' comp claim, contact a workers' comp attorney immediately.
  • You have a potential third-party claim. Although the workers' comp system was designed to keep work injury cases from the civil tort system, you are permitted to sue a third party whose negligence contributed to your injury. For example, a delivery driver who is struck by a negligent motorist can file a civil suit against the motorist in addition to receiving workers' comp benefits. Civil damages often exceed workers' comp settlements because they account for non-economic harms such as pain and suffering.

Get The Justice You Deserve, Let Our Experience Work For You!

Remember, the insurance company is in business to protect its own interests, and the interests of your employer. The insurance company is NOT in the business of helping injured workers. It is the insurance adjuster's job to collect and gather information in order to DENY your case. You are NOT required to speak with the insurance company or any insurance adjuster. Anything you say to the insurance company or one of its adjusters can and will be used by the insurance company to defend against your claims and deny you the benefits that you deserve. DO NOT SPEAK WITH ANYONE, UNTIL YOU SPEAK WITH US! Rather than call the insurance company, call the Law Offices of Andrew S. Kasmer, P.C. at 703-385-1701 or on mobile phone at 703-399-5155. We are standing by to help you and protect your interests.

With offices in Virginia, Maryland, and Washington, D.C. we have considerable resources and what it takes to get the job done. Contact the Law Offices of Andrew S. Kasmer, P.C. now to arrange your free consultation. We'll come to you if you're in too much pain to visit us.

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