The VoIP telephony is the fresh experience inside of conversation engineering; a detailed deviation from the regular phone applications. As a superb innovation, it deals therefore significantly with residences and corporations and those can acquire benefit from it. As VoIP gainsmore and more popularity, the benefits that this gives should be thoughtfully considered. Some of the popular capabilities included are caller identity, speak to ready, exclusive ringtones, get hold, different kind of as teleconferencing, telemarketing, digital place of work companies, no cost within just-community and worldwide phone. Considering that most features at different VoIP companies are the same, it is always good to know them and to make a business overlook, in order to make sure that you are not missing anything from them. Voicemail to Email Transcription This feature transcribes your voicemail messages to text and sends them to a specified email. This option allows you to organize, erase, answer, read, and keep order in your voicemails. Call Screening In case when you have a business and turned to VoIP solution this feature is very handy. The incoming call can be seen on the caller ID, so therefore you can decide how to react on the certain call. Music on Hold Option In case when you have to redirect the calls, or connect the caller to different department, this option is very necessary. No one likes to wait and listen to a terrible music in the phone, but at the same time the silence is not preferable too. Choose something calm and pleasant so the caller will know that he will be connected as soon as possible and this is just few seconds of music on hold. Call Forwarding The option to redirect the call to another location or destination is always a good solution. When this feature is activated all you need to do is to indicate a forwarding number. Call Waiting This option is always handy when you are already on the phone, you can see the another incoming call, then the present call can be put on hold and the second phone call can be answered. Call Recording For business solution this is great option, the call can be recorded and listened to lately, mostly for quality helping purposes, especially if you have a new member in the team, who needs intensive training. Call Logs All the call activity can be seen if this option is available. The gathered information is classified, so there is a possibility to see the incoming and outgoing calls, duration of the calls, destination, cost, the calls can be sorted by different characteristics such as answered, missed, sent to voicemail. The detailed track of all the calls is being kept, this allows you to control the situation and possess all the information. These are only few of the multiple solutions available, but taking into account that more and more people talk about great cost savings, you as a customer or business owner should decide by yourself to switch to a VoIP system or not. Knowing about these available VoIP features will help you to make a better decision.

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