Buying a used car saves money but also comes with the unpredictable nature of the vehicle. Has it been in an accident? Has there been any major malfunction? How do I know what to look for in buying a used vehicle? This buyer's checklist for inspecting used cars will try to help you ease your decision and get you in a used car that suits your needs and is safe for you and your loved ones.

Before you can actually inspect a used car you need to know what kind of car you want. Be sure to do the appropriate research behind the used car of your choice and the common problems behind the particular vehicle. What may be helpful is to a browse the Internet for reviews of used cars in Toronto. Once you find the used car you want and are familiar with its common problems you can go ahead and find a used car dealer who has the vehicle and start inspecting.

Used Car Exterior Inspection

The most obvious indicators of the condition of a car is the exterior. These are few things to look out for if you are a buyer for a used car in Toronto.

1. Check Windshield for cracks

2. Body panels color match

3. Free of body dents and scratches

4. Windshield wipers and blades work

5. Seams of doors, trunks, fenders, and hood are all properly aligned

6. Headlights, brake lights without damage and fully functional

7. Tires are all of the same make

8. Tread worn evenly

Used Car Interior Inspection

Interior inspections are also great indicators for the condition of a used car just like the exterior inspection this inspection can be done without expertise knowledge of vehicle components.

1. All doors and trunks open and close freely

2. All gauges work

3. No dashboard warning lights remain illuminated

4. Stereo works

5. Heater works

6. Air conditioner works

7. All seats equipped with functional seat belts

8. All seats adjust properly

9. Power windows operate properly

10. Sunroof opens and closes properly (if applicable)

11. Car alarm works (if applicable)

12. Trunk and driver-side door lock and unlock with key

Key Components Inspection

This inspection requires more time and will tell you the exact condition your prospect used car is in. Used cars will have much more wear and tear than new cars so do this process slowly and correctly.


1. Free of fluid or oil leaks

2. Oil filler neck not coated with thick, black deposits

3. Battery terminals free of

4. corrosion

5. Oil dip stick free of dark, black oil

6. Free of odors while engine is running

7. Exhaust pipe emissions are neither blue (indicates engine burns oil) or black (indicate excessive oil consumption)


1. Vehicle rests levelly

2. When bouncing the vehicle's corners, no creaking noises are made

3. All corners respond the same when bouncing

Automatic Transmission

1. Transmission fluid looks clean, not dirty or gritty

2. Transmission neither slips nor delays when driving


1. Vehicle steers straight and does not pull to one side when applying brakes

2. Parking brake engages and disengages freely

3. No grinding noises when applying


1. Vehicle does not drift to one side without prodding

2. Vehicle is stable; no shaking or vibrating

3. No resistance in the steering wheel when turning

4. No clicking or clunking when turning

Buying a car is a large purchase in your life and just like any large transactions it requires an informed decision of the risks and benefits. When buying a used car be sure to use this checklist to make sure you get the used car you want for the right price and without any risks to you and your loved ones.

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