Neglected units require more repairs and cost more to operate. If you don't want to pay costly repair bills every season or purchase a new unit prematurely, take an expert's advice. Here are 4 ways you may be killing your HVAC system without even knowing it.

You Don't Service Your Unit

The best way to prolong the life of your HVAC unit is to have it serviced by a licensed technician at least once a year. If it's that simple, why don't more people do it? The perceived expense and lack of time are the top reasons cited by homeowners. However, it doesn't take a lot of money or time to service the typical residential unit.

Did you know that a technician can be in and out of your home in 90 minutes or less? Oh, and the cost? Well, the average cost of service ranges between $70 and $150. Many HVAC companies have summer and spring specials to help homeowners prepare their unit for the change in the season. Sometimes these specials can be half as much as the regular prices.

You Don't Change the Filter

If you're not changing your filter 4 times a year, you're risking damage. A clean filter allows the HVAC unit to work smarter and more efficiently. Clean filters can lower your utility costs and extend the life of the unit.

Sometimes you may need to change your unit's filter more often. You may need to change the filter once every 30 days if you're buying cheaper filters, you have pets, you smoke in the home, or you have family members with allergies or respiratory problems.

You Change the Temperature Constantly

Everyone has a different comfort level when it comes to heating and cooling. However, if members of the household are turning the heating or cooling up and down on a whim all day, every day, the unit's motor is working overtime and may decide to go on strike.

One of the best investments you can make is to buy a programmable thermostat. Keep the temperature lower or higher (depending on whether you're heating or cooling) when everyone is gone and readjust the temperature for when everyone is home. Of course, a programmable thermostat can't meet everyone's needs at the same time. For this reason, you may have to have a family meeting to decide what a comfortable temperature is that everyone can live with.

You Ignore Small Problems

Small problems that are ignored inevitably lead to bigger problems that come with a hefty repair cost. These are the most common signs of an impending problem that people ignore:

  • Ice buildup on the A/C part of the unit
  • A pilot light that won't stay lit
  • Poor heating in some areas of the home
  • Strange sounds coming from the unit

Your HVAC unit will moan and groan and put up a fight when it isn't working at optimal performance. The job of the homeowner is to respond to these distress signals and call a technician for service right away. Many seemingly major problems are actually quite easy and inexpensive to fix if they're addressed right away.

For more information on how you can keep your HVAC in St. Paul running, contact a certified HVAC technician for tips and maintenance information.

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