While you put in a lot of effort and resources into your exhibition stall, you need to focus on the real purpose of your participation, which is to draw attention of visitors towards your stall and make sure that your clients and prospects, as well as industry peers, know about your participation and feel the need to visit your stall. Your targeted audience will always be interested in knowing what the exhibition is all about, which major companies are participating in the exhibition, what new products are being launched, the industry experts who will be speaking in the seminars. If you can build up curiosity so that your targets feel they need to visit the exhibition then half your job is done, as anyone who has got your video news will definitely not miss visiting your exhibition stall and walk in visitors can know all the latest news about the exhibition by seeing your news video playing out in your stall, giving you the chance to talk to them about your company and products.

Make a series of short videos of the exhibition

You can make a series of short 2 minute plus news videos of the exhibition focusing more on the events and activities going on in the trade show. The videos must be shot in the second half of the day so that people can see them on the morning of the next day, so you must see to it that the content is relevant on the day the video is viewed. Talking less about your own products can actually be a good move, if the content if relevant to the industry it is likely to be picked up by journalists and your company will be given credit for the film and a much larger audience will come to know about you. Remember to include your own stall in every video by taking a few short interviews of visitors in your stall but on topics pertaining to the exhibition and the industry.

 Spreading the news successfully

The final outcome of your efforts in making news videos of the show lies in the outreach that you can generate by distributing the videos to a wider audience and also attracting visitors to visit your stall to see the updated videos. If you have updated videos as the show progresses then plenty of interest will be generated. The videos must be uploaded on social media platforms like Youtube where a much larger audience can view them and share them via Twitter. Sharing the videos with the show organizers is also a good idea. Organizers generally do not make videos so your videos will be welcomed by them and they will definitely email them on to all the other participants and visitors, these videos should be formatted so that they can be easily seen on iPads, smart phones, and other devices.   

A few tips to ensure that your video reaches a wider audience and generates a buzz about your stall

  1. Start a buzz about your videos by making them from the very first day of the show.
  2. Record the happening moments of the morning and show the video in your stall in the second half of the day
  3. Give a journalistic flavor to the images, content and style of reporting.
  4. Use Youtube as the social media platform, good videos get a lot of followers and are shared on other platforms.
  5. Send the videos to journalists and the show organizers so that they can distribute the videos.
  6. Upload the videos on to your company website.
  7. It is always advisable to get the videos made by professionals.

Source : articlesbase.com


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