Pinterest continues its rapid growth as one of the most important social media networks for brand marketing. The site is responsible for nearly 25% of referral traffic for many retail businesses. It has certainly proven itself to be one of the best tools for connecting businesses to their target audience. Pinterest marketing can be one of the most important pieces of any business' marketing plan.

If you are wondering if it can help your brand, here are some questions to ask yourself:

Do you already have some Pinterest traffic?

It is easy to find out if your site has already been seeing some Pinterest interaction. Just check your Google analytics to see where your referral traffic is coming from. This is where you can see if any people are landing on your site from Pinterest.

Here is what you do to find out:

  • Log onto Google Analytics
  • On the left, scroll down to the "Acquisition" tab and select 
  • From the submenu, click "Overview." This will bring up a pie chart that breaks down the percentage of users coming from social media, referrals, organic search, etc.
  • Scroll to the bottom for the listing of traffic sources and click on Social
  • Here, you will see a breakdown of each social media channel and how much traffic is coming from each one

There might be people pinning stuff from your blog or website and you didn't even know it. If you have a lot of Pinterest activity listed, it's definitely time to get active on the social network.

Does your business have visual elements?

A lot of industries rely on visual content, like retailers, fashion, travel, and food. It is an important aspect of marketing and helps draw the audience in.

Since Pinterest uses images, it is a good place for any business that makes use of visual elements to sell their wares. Using strong, beautiful and interesting images can help grow an audience quickly on this site.

How are your image resources?

Do you have the time and the resources to create some great images for pinning? To make the most of Pinterest, you need to be able to bring in a lot of visual content and make it available for your audience to add to their Pinterest boards.

You can find tools to help with this process, so don't let that hinder your progress.

When you create your own Pinterest account, make sure that you are not only adding your own images to boards. Get out there and do a your fair share of re-pinning. Use it as a place to share inspiration from other sources with your audience.

Do you care?

One of the most important questions to ask yourself before engaging with yet another social media channel is whether or not you care to participate.

If you have little interest in doing the work to grow your brand recognition on Pinterest, there is no reason to put in the time when it can be better spent elsewhere.

Are you excited about trying it but not sure that it will work? Forget about the hurdles and go for it. Get creative and make the platform work for your brand in whatever way you can.

Pinterest shows no signs of slowing down as an important social media marketing tool. Are you ready to make it work for your brand?

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