Are you facing exaggerated and false accusations of domestic violence in Hawaii? Have you been targeted by an angry roommate, family member or partner? Are you being forced to stay out of the home and not to have any contact with your kids? Just like any domestic violence accused you have to struggle with the task of gathering evidence to convince a judge or jury of your innocence in this matter. When any of your household members falsely accuse you of domestic abuse, you can be sentenced to jail and may lose your right to hold firearms. If you happen to be a non American citizen you can also get deported. There are times innocent people face false accusations of domestic and spouse abuse and some also get convicted based on false allegations and testimony of the victim. The legal system doesn't always work perfectly. The Hawaii legal system considers you to be innocent until you are proven to have committed the offense beyond a reasonable doubt, but it won't guarantee you that the truth will come out. Everything including your family, livelihood and future can be affected adversely by an accusation like this, so you will have to make legal efforts to fight your case. Luckily, a professional domestic and spouse abuse lawyer can be hired in Hawaii to help you fight the case and protect you from the consequences.

Qualified Lawyer for Challenging an EPO or DVI

An EPO (Emergency Protective Order) or DVI (domestic violence injunction) is a temporary order issued by the court to protect the victim from the domestic abuser. If someone complains that his/her partner or spouse beats, hits, pushes or threatens them with dire consequences, then a restraining order (EPO) is issued by the court immediately to prevent the accused from any such activities in the immediate future. Some people in Hawaii are looking to use Restraining orders to their advantage and make false allegations that their children are facing physical or mental abuse as well as file a domestic violence case against their partners. The allegation itself can cause the accused to get arrested with sometimes questionable evidence to support the charge . Falsely accusing a partner of domestic violence in order to win sole custody of the child and cause separation from the other parent on grounds of abuse or domestic violence is not unheard of.

The consequences of this charge can be severe as it may restrict you from visiting your home and children . Not to forget, it can hamper your relationship with your kids and cost you more in legal proceedings down the line. In Hawaii, you can get punished or penalized for a minor argument with the false testimony of an eyewitness who misrepresents the facts. There are qualified domestic and spouse abuse lawyers in Hawaii to defend you against false charges of domestic violence. You can end up with a criminal record from a conviction in a domestic or spouse abuse case and may even face difficulty in getting jobs and keeping close to your family, especially your children. You can't hope that the police will sort out the truth. You need to challenge the EPO or DVI order with the knowledge and experience of a domestic and spouse abuse lawyer in Hawaii.

Legal Defense against False Domestic and Spouse Abuse Charges

The tactic of making false charges of domestic violence is unfortunately for some men and women in Hawaii, an acceptable option, as they that once the charges are made, the accused can be charged resulting in big legal consequences. If you are accused of being violent to your partner or family member, you have the burden to gather evidence and defend yourself against the charge even if the law says it is the prosecution's burden of proof. There are some useful steps and tips that can protect you from these false charges. Once you are falsely accused of domestic violence you should do the following things:

  1. Contact an aggressive domestic and spouse abuse attorney to defend you and your rights.
  2. Don't violate a restraining order (EPO), (TRO), issued against you, otherwise you may face legal consequences for it.
  3. Consult with the lawyer and ask him/her about your defense options as well as legal rights.
  4. You have to be firm and stand your ground if you are innocent. Don't lose your cool and make certain to behave calmly and professionally throughout the trial. You should not get hyper as the court/jury will be taking note of your reactions and responses.
  5. Remember that your acquittal is what will end the matter and allow you to move forward with your life.

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