Are your children familiar with the important road safety tips? If no, it's time to give them the tips now. This is essential because children are most vulnerable to road injuries. Road injuries and accidents are one of the most frequent causes of hospitalisation and death among children. So how do you avoid that? It is by making your little ones aware of how to be safe on the roads.

Why to teach your children road safety rules?

  • To help them learn how to behave in a particular situation on the road like what if there are water filled road barriers
  • To make them understand what to do when they see a vehicle moving in their direction
  • To help them learn how to cross the road

To make sure your children are safe even in your absence, imparting essential road safety lessons is mandatory. Let's go through the road safety rules that you need to teach your children.

  • Look before you cross

The first thing for you to teach your children is that they should be attentive on the road. They should look left and right properly before they cross the road to ensure safety. Also, when with adults, it is always important to hold the hands. Again if you're driving, you need to use the traffic safety mirrors so that your children too will learn their importance.

  • Do not run

Do your children run when on the road? You really need to be cautious if they have this habit of running. Make sure that they are accompanied by adults and teach them that running is a taboo when on the road. Also, make them understand that they need to be careful all the time on road and tell them about basic safety products like what water filled road barriers are, why they are used etc.

  • Sidewalks only

Make sure that you tell your children to walk on the pedestrians when on road. You too need to follow it diligently because it will help your children as well to imbibe this quality. When sidewalks are there, avoid the roads and also walk facing the traffics as it will give you an idea about the direction of the vehicles.

  • Red, green and yellow

The basics of the traffic signs should be explained to your kids. It is important for them to know what the different colour means. They should be confident that the green means go and the red means stop.To ensure that you children follow the rules, you need to become the role model. It will help them to become more cautious and efficient if they see you following rules such as wearing seat belt, using traffic safety mirrors, walking on the pedestrians etc.

Look for a trusted manufacturing company that offers road superior quality safety products like water filled road barriers, traffic safety mirrors etc. to ensure you and your loved ones are safe on the road.


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