As our world is full of colors, similarly the e-world is also full of vibrant, bold and all the other colors. Have you ever noticed that every color has a different impact on you? It's scientifically proven that every color has a different psychological effect on a person's mind.                         Colors And Their Usage In Different Web Designing Sites:

Colors and emotions are connected, this theory is not new. Today in the world of e-commerce, the web designers are also aware of this theory and they implement it in creating any website. The usage of color is not only for beautification of the website or the visual satisfaction of the user. It is more than that the right use of right color creates the right impact and atmosphere for your site.


Red color represents passion, love, power, romance, fire, aggression and so on. On the other hand, it also determines warning, danger and urgency. It also represents youth. Red is always used with caution as it can aggravate anger as well. It is usually used on the first page of the websites to put emphasis on the main subject.


Blue is the color of calmness, serenity, tranquility, loyalty, but on the other hand it can denote coldness and sadness. Lighter shades of blue symbolize openness also while the darker shades determine trust and reliability. Corporate websites and other business websites use blue color to create the impact of reliability and strength. Medium shades of blue are abundantly used by Twitter and Facebook.


Yellow color is the color of versatility. On one hand it symbolizes happiness, warmth, brightness, illumination and liveliness but at the same time may also determine illness or insecurity. But mostly it is taken for its positivity. For their advertisements, most websites use yellow color as it symbolizes cheerfulness. Web designers in Dubai, use yellow when making a website of the companies of consultancy and skills.


Green color symbolizes growth, stability, fertility and nature. It also determines wealth and money. It is considered a cool color like blue, but also has the vitality of yellow. The atmosphere it creates is that of stability and balance. Web designers use green color for the designing of websites related to fiscal matters, environmental awareness and outdoor products.


Black is a very strong color which can produce both impacts of negativity and positivity as well. It determines power, sophistication, but also represents death, morbidity etc. Having a negative aspect to its meaning, black is still one of the most widely used colors in web designing companies in Dubai. It creates a different meaning when used in combination with other colors.


White is the universal color of peace, cleanliness, simplicity, purity, innocence, etc. web designer, mostly use white color when designing a simplistic website. It is used as background on many websites usually when people want to promote and want to bring attention towards their brightly colored product or any piece of art.

The warmness and coolness of the colors; tint, tone, contrast and saturation; everything has its own effect. Web designing companies should be clever enough to assimilate the colors in a way that their website creates a positive effect on the user. Site's objective and subject should always be kept in mind in order to convey the idea behind.


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