There are several pathways of migrating Down Under, some of them are  permanent and some temporary. The temporary categories of entry permits allow the permit holders to reside and be employed for a stipulated period in the country. These provisional pathways need the applicants to procure a nomination from either a willing relation; a territory, or a state; or an Australian employer.

 Australia Sub Class 457 Visa is one such arrangement that allows the immigrants to apply for gaining entry into the country on the provisional basis. This pathway is specifically defined and laid out to assist the Australian employers in recruiting suitably trained and experienced  skilled workers from overseas sources. Down Under has incessantly faced a certain level of structured labor deficit in local labor pools across the country, in terms of certain trades critical to the performance of the economy.

 Absence of the appropriately trained professionals and tradesmen hits the active commercial and noncommercial organizations hardest; as they are not able to execute essentially and strategically crucial operations. It is a known fact that this nation has always faced a labor crisis due to a very negligible population growth since past many years – the  growth of the economy of Australia has out sped the growth of the  population, thereby making home grown skills a rare and a valuable commodity.

 Over the years, to strike a balance between the demand, that has always exceeded supply, and the supply of appropriate skills, Aussie government has come out with several revolutionary steps to attract and import suitable manpower from various other countries. It has formulated a comprehensive Australian immigration program, and eventually integrated it under the Australia immigration SkillSelect platform.

 It has made special provisions for all concerned parties; federal authorities, territories, the states and employers in various regions and parts of the country.  The employers have been given the  facility of hiring people from overseas resources permanently or temporarily. The temporary arrangement – defined under Sub Class 457 Visa – are specifically designed to help the Australian companies to look outwards in such occupations where they have been unable to locate suitable and appropriately trained workers in the domestic labor market.

 Such employers, on proving the fact of inability of local resources in fulfilling skills requirements, can nominate candidature of immigrant applicants either through the SkillSelect pool of EOIs or independently. The candidates selected for Sub Class 457 Visa must, however, prove their qualifications for entry permit on  specified grounds:

  • The fact that their skills are specified in the SOL – the tabulation highlighting the occupations needing immigrant professionals and tradesmen;
  • Age;
  • Educational credentials;
  • Linguistic skills, etc. 

 The applicants, after receiving a sponsorship from a willing Aussie employer, may need to obtain a skills assessment, so it is highly desired that the applicants placing their requests for Sub Class 457 Australia Visa should check with the probable employers or designate Australian authority to know whether you would need to obtain one such credential assessment advice.

 Besides the credential assessment, you would surely be required to also prove your linguistic skills in the de-facto language of the country, the English.  To evidence your language compatibility, you can write any of the approved language tests and supply the result sheets to the authorities – attached with the application.  

 The Australia Sub Class 457 Visa holders are allowed to enter the country for a period of four years. During this tenure, they must, however, continue to the be employed in the company that has sponsored them for the immigration permission.

 For details and assistance on this arrangement, approach us today online or through email.

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