One of the world's largest media agencies located in the USA has more than 18,000 employees all over the globe. In order to develop a standard protocol for communication, the decision was made to come up with an employee portal. The agency has built an employee portal on the Liferay technology stack. During the development of this portal, the technology team experienced implementation challenges with respect to Liferay product features and customization. The agency required analyzing these challenges and providing subject matter expertise on possible recommendations to fix the issues. 


To overcome the organization's business challenges, Fulcrum decided to deliver the solution in 2 phases. Phase I was pertaining to technical assessment & Phase II was Liferay configuration.

Phase I:

A Technical Assessment of the Liferay Portal implemented was conducted. The IT team provided significant input and clarification

regarding their current implementation and IT practices. Current technical challenges were discussed, analyzed and a running log of issues was maintained for fixes and solution recommendation. The participants were identified and available during the entire assessment to ensure relevant options could be discussed and decisions made. 

The assessment was focused on the Employee Portal Liferay with following definitions of scope:


  • Verify overall clustering approach is in line with best practices.
  • Troubleshoot indexing issues in 2 mode setup.
  • Troubleshoot cross-talk issue with Jgroups across environments.
  • Provide best practices on Theme Development, particularly on administrative portion.
  •  Determine right Load Balancing approach with SSL.
  • Re-verify that tomcat farm hot deploys are working.
  • Determine ideal heap size such that re-indexing does not die out.
  • Determine best approach for user CRUD operations.
  • Troubleshoot issues with Flash Uploader.



The issues were fixed and a theme was developed based on the UI mockups that the agency had and applied the theme to their existing installation.

At the end of the engagement a formulated report was presented. The report included recommendations to help overcome the current challenges faced by their team in the Liferay portal implementation including a detailed study of the Issues and documentation of it's:


  •       Root Cause Analysis
  •       Solution approach to fix the current problems


The report also provided a roadmap on where Liferay is heading in future and how client can leverage the Liferay Portal to gain the maximum value out of their investment.

Phase II:

Installation and configuration of Liferay 6EE on lines recommended in the assessment report as mentioned in phase I. Following are the tasks that were carried out in this phase:


  •    Liferay Portal Staging and Production server installations
  •    Liferay Cluster setup for both stage and production instances
  •   Configuring JackRabbit, Lucene and ehcache as a part of the Installation
  •   Configuring and integration with Active Directory (for 20k users)
  •   Theme creation and deployment
  •  Created and provided install & config document
  •   Conduct workshops with Liferay Webmin team to explain the Liferay installation and features
  •   Create, deploy and test Webservice to add/update users to Liferay installation.


<!--[if !supportLists]-->·      <!--[endif]-->Ease of Use: With just few clicks, you can customize the look & feel of the portal, Portlet configurations, themes, and page layouts as per your requirements.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->·      <!--[endif]-->Save Cost: Being an open source, you don't need to purchase the license thus saving huge cost.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->·      <!--[endif]-->Future Technology Roadmap: A technology roadmap was developed keeping in mind the number of employees & technological development in near future.

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