An immigration lawyer is an independent practitioner who has in depth knowledge about the immigration laws and provide assistance with the matters pertaining to issues relating visas, citizenship, and other immigration benefits. A good immigration attorney can make all the difference to your case. Many are hard working, honest professionals who genuinely want to help you -- they could, after all, potentially be making a lot more money in some other area of law.

Would you ask a neighbour to replace your heart valve, or your doctor to fill out your tax forms? Hopefully not. For the same reasons, only an actual, practising lawyer should be trusted to handle your immigration matters. Unfortunately, many non-lawyers -- even some well-meaning ones, who don't recognize how complex this area of law really is -- claim to be capable of assisting foreigners who need help with the immigration process. Make suer you are consulting a well acclaimed lawyer who understands the laws and aim to provide the genuine advice.

There are situation when you need not consult an immigration lawyer, like visiting the country for a vacation or intend to come back after few weeks of stay. However there are certain instances which require the expert counsel from an experienced solicitor.

Situations where you need an experienced Immigration lawyer the most:

  • As we know that immigration laws are quite complex. The process demands a lot of paperwork and details to be submitted on the part of applicant. If you are overwhelmed with the paperwork, consult an immigration lawyer.

  • You are requesting any sort of discretionary relief, such as asylum or a waiver, which involves persuading the immigration authorities to make an exception or offer you benefits that it might not ordinarily offer another applicant in your position.

  • You are planning to move to the U.K. to work for a U.K. employer and it has not assisted you with the immigration process.

  • If you have got the news that an immigration deportation process has been started against you. If the appeal is yet not finished, the situation is in the power of courts and an immigration lawyer can probably help you with his experienced services. Even if the proceedings are over, you should ask a lawyer whether the outcome affects your current application.

  • You need an emergency help with an immigration issue.

  • You are experiencing delay in the process in spite of all the applications and complete paper work.

Fusco Browne Immigration have become the first resort when it comes to applying for UK visa.

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