The institution of marriage is universal and finds sanction in all religions of the world. But different faiths observe different rites and rituals when people are married. Among the Muslims, it comes out to be a contract, while among the Hindus it is a sacrament. Jewish couple gets together for the purpose of being together. Companionship in itself holds innumerable joys respected by the Judaist faith.

In keeping with these beliefs, a marriage between Jews is believed to have been made in heaven. It is believed that one's match is finalized as early as 40 days prior to birth. The alliance is called 'bashert'. All these facts are kept in mind while designing wedding invitations. Of course, there is always typical2015 winter Trends in Jewish Wedding Invitationsthat are also kept in mind.

Quite a few Jewish wedding invitations have inscriptions from the Torah, the holy book of the Jews, although the details of marriage are there in the Talmud. There may even be some candies depicted on the invitation. These stand for the sweet flavor of the event. Anyone interested in getting hold of wedding invitations online is sure to  get a lot of these, while he or she is also sure to get a hint of 2015 winter Trends in Jewish Wedding Invitations. The internet has all the latest trends, and one is sure not to lose out on the latest stuff in the market if he uses the internet for all this.

If a Jewish wedding is conducted strictly as per the conventions and Jewish norms, the bride has to go around the groom and complete seven circles before she takes her place next to the groom. The seven rounds or circles are symbolic of the number of days it is believed to have taken for the earth to be created. The number seven has great significance in the context of marriage among Jews.

The rabbi makes sure the vows are exchanged in the prescribed manner. Again, the number of vows is seven. The groom presents a gold ring to the bride. So, a prospective groom looking for invitations may find a gold ring on the front page of the invitation to his marriage.

The trend to send invitations online has caught up with almost all communities in the world today. This means minimized use of paper. A person must bear in mind that he is destroying nature as and when he destroys paper of any sort.

It is always better to go for options that are more nature friendly. Using an email for sending invitations is going to be quite economical as well as environment friendly too. This is one of the latest trends in all kinds of weddings all over the world.

Marriage is supposed to bring two individuals on a single platform. A male Jew is thought to be incomplete without a wife. The partners form a unified whole when they are married. The man is supposed to love his wife more than he loves himself.

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