Date night is a way for parents to enjoy quality time away from their kids, but leaving your children with a sitter isn't always possible or even preferable. Giving kids a fun and entertaining way to pass the evening means that you come home refreshed and recharged and your kids come home tired and ready for bed. The best part is that the whole family will look forward to future date nights. This idea has become so popular, in fact, that many museums and other locations have begun to offer kids' activities designed to entertain little ones while mom and dad have a night on the town. The next time you and your spouse fancy a parents' night out, consider some of these creative ideas for your children.


Drop-Off Child Care


When the babysitter cancels at the last minute, a drop-off child care center in your area may be just the solution you need. You may prefer to choose this option as a matter of course, so your children have the opportunity to pass the evening participating in activities with other kids. Many of these programs break up kids into age-appropriate groups in which they may watch cartoons, play games and eat snacks.


A Night at the Museum


Museums were some of the first to offer drop-off activities for kids in the evenings. Many science museums and children's museums now host monthly events where parents can leave their kids in a safe, supervised environment while they go out on the town. Programs include themed parties and learning events as well as tours of the museum and special exhibits.


Check Out Your Local Library


Like museums, many public libraries also now host a monthly supervised drop-off event for kids. Snacks and games are on the agenda, followed by themed events based on popular children's books. Kids can dress in costume and role play with other literary-minded little ones. This is a perfect opportunity for your children to learn about all that the library has to offer.


Zoo Camp


Many local zoos and animal parks offer supervised evenings of fun and learning for young children. Kids get to enjoy a behind-the-scenes or after-hours tour of zoo exhibits and attend educational programs designed to introduce them to new and exotic species. Some camps even offer the opportunity to spend the night on zoo grounds with school and special interest groups.


Parent Date Night at a Local Arts Academy


In many cities across the United States, arts academies and other childhood educational facilities have begun offering date night programs. Most programs offer four hours of structured activities, depending on the child's age. More like a party than child care, kids enjoy pizza, games, crafts and other activities. It can be cheaper than a babysitter and much more fun for the little ones, so the entire family can have a night to remember.


Whatever you decide on your night out, choose an activity or event that your kids can enjoy in your absence. That way, you won't be faced with groans and grumbles the next time you plan a date night!

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