Classic wedding scenario

According to the classical scenario of the wedding ceremony is held in the traditional form, in compliance with all wedding ceremonies. But this does not mean that you need to give up bright ideas - you can hold a wedding in a particular color, experiment with live entertainment. The main thing is to get the original, and the celebration was filled with the newlyweds and their guests for years to come.


Already behind the long search for wedding dresses, accessories, banquet hall, you have already sent invitations to visitors and are preparing for an important and responsible event. It is important to plan every step of the wedding celebration, so that later the mood was not hopelessly spoiled due to the fact that you do not have time to place all the planned wedding walk or late for dinner. Of course, you can hire a wedding organizer or manager, but many people cope well on its own, and the savings are significant. So let us together draw up a phased plan for the wedding.

Morning bride and groom


As you can imagine, to negotiate with the stylists and makeup artists need to advance, so you do not run to salons in search of the wizard. Also, a couple of days before the wedding Take care festive manicure - this is the bride and add mood if accrued nails, she would have time to adjust to the new length and design, and the photos looked tidy handle very gently. Cosmetology visit at least one week before the celebration to the skin during this time managed to buy your natural shade. Training can be delayed for at least 2 hours after the bride need to meet with the hairdresser and makeup artist, to have time to put on her dress and accessories attached to it, and look forward to the groom. Bridegroom in this respect easier - it charges, usually lasting 30-40 minutes, after which he was accompanied by the witness sent to ransom.

Bride price

Engage the organization bride price can be a witness or a friend. Most often, it takes 20-30 minutes to the newlyweds and not tire, and have fun. There and redemptions, which last a couple of hours - it's all sorts of quests, and games in nature, but they are suitable for those couples whose ceremony is scheduled for the second half of the day.

The blessing of the young

Often parents bless the young couple before they go to the registrar. After all, in the old days, young we tried not to marry without the consent and approval of the family. It occupies this procedure is 5-10 minutes.

Register or wedding

The average duration of the ceremony painting - 30-40 minutes. However, if the registry offices are crowded, it is often shortened to 15 minutes. Wedding in the Orthodox Church takes longer: about 1 hour, so it is necessary to calculate the time, so that all have time. Another thing - exit registration, lately it is very popular among honeymooners, because it is very beautiful and romantic event. It can take place in any location you choose, and you come to the registrar and the registration officer is sent to you. Registration lasts for about 40 minutes while she oration official - 15 minutes.

 Wedding walk and dinner for guests

After the ceremony the newlyweds showered with rose petals, grains of wheat, chocolates and they go on the wedding walk. At this time, for guests who want to pass the time and not to go with a couple out for a walk, organized a small buffet. You can entertain them by inviting musicians or magician. The walk takes 2-3 hours, at which time the couple can visit places planned to release doves and even plant a tree. Do not try to travel on that day as many sights as possible - let them be 3-4, but you will not hurry to make great photos and even leave an open-air time for a little celebration. Stock up on accessories for a photo shoot - hats, umbrellas, blankets, capes, masks and other elements will fall at an opportune moment.

Meeting newlyweds

After walking the couple sent to the institution, which will host a banquet - this could be a restaurant, a cafĂ©, a manor house, golf outing or home sweet home. At the entrance they have met with the parent's loaf, icons, salt and a towel, and guests who are on both sides of the entrance, forming a corridor. Young showered with a mixture of grains, sweets and coins, to family life has been well-fed, sweet and rich. Lasts meeting of young 10-15 minutes, after which the couple and the guests are sent to the festive feast.


It's quite a volume item, which can be divided into several sub-headings: feast, entertainment, greetings, first dance of a young couple, wedding auction, stealing the bride throwing the bouquet and garter, and the culmination of the celebration - wedding cake and fireworks.

Feast and competitions - a Toastmasters priority, he will conduct them in such manner as it sees fit, although the evening's program would do well to discuss in advance. Wedding dance should last no longer than 3 minutes - and the couple did not have time to get tired, and guests will not tire. Stealing the bride-purchase is delayed for 15 minutes, tossing the bouquet and garter - even 5. Finally, the final accent in the evening becomes a removal and cutting of the wedding cake and fireworks - for the items you want to select another 20-25 minutes.

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