The real challenge before this 7th Central Pay Commission is to provide a pay structure which is competitive yet affordable, attractive yet acceptable, forward looking yet adaptable, simple yet rational, and one which matches with the current socio-economic and political conditions as well as the changing perception of the overall administrative machinery and the public governance system.


One of the peculiarities of the Indian civil structure and the pay structure that has been in vogue is the high degree of emphasis on uniformity and relativity.  In interacting with various associations, federations, heads of institutions, what has clearly come across to the 7th CPC is the prevalence of historical equations across the various cadres in government.  Disturbances caused in any of these have an immediate and very vocal effect by way of strident demands in restoring earlier parities.  Extensive litigation has come to be the norm.  The second issue relates to ease of administration.  A simple pay structure with rules of fixation that are easy to understand and apply would take away the possibility of either inadvertent errors or any element of arbitrariness.  This Commission has, therefore set simplicity and complete transparency as a basic guiding principle to calculate minimum 7th CPC basic pay scales (


From the employees' perspective, the upper most aspect is naturally that the emoluments should appropriately reflect the qualifications and the skill sets that each individual brings to this system.  Apart from being fair and adequate, what is crucial is that the pay structure should correctly reflect the relative positions in the hierarchy.  In its deliberations, the 7th Pay Commission ( has found that the preponderance of grievances relates to the emoluments drawn by others as opposite to what is received by oneself.  Due care, therefore, has been given to the aspect of equity.


Over the years, due to downsizing of bureaucracy, issues relating to diminishing or in some cases non-existent promotional avenues have impacted the employees' motivational levels.  To address this problem, various schemes of assured career progression have been introduced by previous Pay Commissions.  It is now one of the major aspirational challenges spurring work efficiency and which needs to be acknowledged by the Pay Commission. The emoluments structure is now expected to provide scope for career advancement by way of financial upgradation at reasonable intervals so as to keep the workforce motivated.

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