A couple of years ago, getting employment in a healthy environment was a distant dream for many, due to lack of skill sets and a proper training that could build up the confidence and honing mental skills. But, now with the advancement of technology and establishment of various vocational training centres under the banner of DLF LIFE (Learning Initiative for Employment) by DLF Foundation, as a part of Skill Development Initiative India, it is possible for the underprivileged and the people living in remote areas to have a life they could only dream of or were unaware of, before.

DLFFoundation believes that job opportunities should be available equally to one and all and therefore, it has taken the responsibility of Skill Development Initiative India, under which it promises to provide full fledged education in a host of avenues such as Hospitality, Customer Relations and Sales, IT enabled services and Construction, with a vision of providing the best out of the available resources for learning, and helping the trainees for absorption in various vocations for a better life.

If you feel that earning a livelihood for your family under the sun is a tough task, then you must remember that DLFFoundation is making rigorous efforts to make itself reachable to you, so that you can choose a better life for you and your family. Under the umbrella of Skill Development Initiative India, DLF Foundation has carried out successful vocational trainings in the states of Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Gujarat and Delhi, with large

True to the spirit of Skill Development and innovation, DLFFoundation is making endless endeavours to make each day count with the aim of bringing the dawn of employment in the lives of 1 million youth in next 10 years with the progress of new skill centres being opened throughout India. So, don't just sit back and dream, take one step forward by contacting the DLFFoundatiion team and let them do the best for you and rejoice by exploring new horizons of your life and gift yourself a life of pride, you have always dreamt of.

DLF foundation is running a broad spectrum of skill development centers all over in India to bring a remarkable change in the society that can be measured in terms of employment.So, you just need to take a step ahead and visit with DLFFoundation.in and it will help you fulfil your dreams.

Source : articlesbase.com


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