There are three basic techniques which are known to help the maximum number of candidates and have come a long way to help in the cases of correcting injured breasts or enhancing their size and contours, worldwide. Breast lift, breast augmentation and breast reconstruction are the three main types of breast surgeries, which can solve multiple purposes that women face.

  • Breast lift

Also known as Mastopexy, breast lift surgery helps to achieve youthful breasts for the lift. This surgery is known to address issues like sagging breasts, stretched areolas, drooping nipples, and decreased volume mass of the breasts.

90% of the women out of the 100% who had undergone breast surgery is contended and satisfied with the final outcome. There are no major complications and are highly pleased with the consequences.

What are the conditions which demand breast lift are as follows:

ü It is recommended when the tissues of the surrounding areola region and immensely stretched.

ü It is required if the surgeon feels that simply breast implants are not enough to reach the desired result.

ü Owing to sudden weight gain or loss, hereditary issues, ageing, and post pregnancy, sagging breasts is normal, to rectify which the breast lift is often the ultimate choice for many.

Mainly sought for, to achieve an increased fullness and volume of the breast, which may have been lost due to sudden weight reduction or pregnancy, breast augmentation is also known as Augmentation Mamoplasty.

It can be performed in two ways. Either by transferring fat from the other regions of the body (which is also known as fat transfer breast augmentation) or by using breast implants.

There are three major goals to reach with augmentation surgery:

ü It can enhance your self confidence

ü It can help you achieve symmetrical breasts

ü It can increase the fullness of the breasts along with rectifying the projection of one's breasts.

  • Breast  reconstruction

Breast reconstruction involves a number of plastic surgery techniques for restoring the normal size and the look of the existing breasts.

It is a surgical procedure which is often chosen after mastectomy or injury of the breast area. Breast Reconstruction holds the capacity of re-building one's breast in a complete manner with just a few factors to be kept under consideration.

ü Incision lines will be visible mainly after mastectomy.

ü The original sensation may not be felt post operation of reconstruction surgery.

ü The donor site may consist of several incision lines in areas like buttocks, back and abdomen.

Though totally possible to perform on one breast, but in case of any need, the other breast may require augmentation,. Lift or reduction to maintain proper symmetry of the two assets.

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