Are incomplete without main interest of the celebration, i.e. the cake. However, with so many of us not living with our families, at our homes, it is not possible to grace every celebration and partake in the cake cutting ceremony. But cake delivery makes every celebration possible for those who separated by distance.  Springing up a sweet surprise for your loved one is now not an issue.  All you need to do is choose a delectable cake and give the address for its delivery.  When hearts are connected, how can celebrations stay disconnected? In the case you want to send cake baked by you, here are a few tips, which you would need to successfully nail the baking.  

1) Choosing the appropriate pan for the cake Always basic things come first. Choose the suitable pan. A polished aluminium one reflects heat from the cake, thereby giving it a soft, brownish crust. A dark baking pan will cause a thick and dark crust while an insulated one will take a longer time to bake. Also, give importance to the size of the pan. A large pan may bake shapeless cake and a small one overflows the batter.

2) Do not blindly copy paste the online recipe into methodology  Of course, you cannot bake without the recipe but don't follow it blindly. Each of us has our distinct ways of kneading, and our type and size of instruments used in the process also vary. So, the cake might not see the exactly same results as seen in the recipe photo. It is, therefore, clear why you should not follow any recipe blindly. Have an own idea of yours too. And always ask someone who bakes.

3) Do not hesitate in using a gadget

 Some of you may not like the idea of making use of a gadget in the process. Why not? Gadget saves both you time and effort. Eventually, the flavour and texture of the cake is all that will matter!

4) Meticulously measure all the ingredients Precision in preparing anything is a must. Small mistake in measuring the ingredients will wash out all your time and effort. Use a small kitchen scale to measure. A good knowledge of measuring techniques is essential when it comes cooking altogether.

5) Do not hurry and race against time

This is as important as any of the above. Don't hurry and take as much time you need. We often end up in a mess by trying to finish off with the process as soon as possible. Bake only when you have sufficient time to devote to the process so if something goes wrong, you can redo it. 

If you want to send cake gifts for a big occasion, it is safe to go with the readymade ones. If you still want to bake yourself, we hope you have a happy baking experience.




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