A successful hair transplant can be considered to be a glorious achievement for many.  Restoration of a bountiful hair or stopping the receding hairline in men with a certain amount of growth can not only make them happier, but also boost their self esteem and confidence.

But there is one unavoidable part of this surgery, even if the process succeeds or not. They are capable of leaving ugly scars on the donor zone of the patient's body. Sometimes the scars remain due to inadequate skills of the surgeons and sometimes right from the end result of the surgery. The blemished seem to dissolve gradually during post surgery healing phase. But it so happens that the blemishes remain back.  The degree of the scarring from a hair transplant is dependable on two factors, one being controllable and another being uncontrollable.  The first factors depend upon the closure technique chosen and the expertise of the surgeon himself. The location chosen to be donor area should not be either too high or too low and certainly it should be closed properly with the right technique, allowing the scar to dissolve gradually with hairs growing through that area.

The uncontrollable factor is the patient's genetic healing capacity, which reflects in some having a thin and faint line (barely visible to the eyes). While some may have a thicker and wider scar as the scar formation around the recipient area can be evident around the scars. Though there can be dents and bumps too which are not visible as the linear scar which remains in the donor zone.

Fade scars with SMP

SMP One major beneficial methods for fixing the scars can be with the help of scalp micro-pigmentation (SMP), which was developed with the target of protecting baldness, but can be also used for fixing the scars easily left post hair transplant surgery.

There are 2-3 medical sessions which are used for camouflaging scars. Before the procedure is undertaken the doctor from earlier gets familiar with the patient's skin type and the tissue of the blemish. The scar tissue is drastically different from the healthy skin tissue as the scar tissues are more susceptible to pigmentation as compared to the normal skin as the area is affected by the scar; it produces tissue of a hard nature with lower capability of accepting and preserving pigmentation.

The Fraxel Hair Repair System can be an ideal solution for treating scars. For fixing small sized scars, the Fraxel Hair Repair System can help you smoothen the region affected with post surgery marks, stimulating collagen production and decrease the degree of blemish. Depending upon the laxity and the condition of the scalp, the sessions required varies.

Source : articlesbase.com


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