Most Avaya phone systems are deployed using one of the following models of implementation: the on site model, in which the customer buys the system and maintains it; the managed model, in which the customer purchases the system but outsources maintenance; the hosted model, in which the service provider owns and maintains the system; or the hybrid model, which typically combines aspects of the hosted model with aspects of the in house model. Here, we look at some of the pros and cons of deploying Avaya telephone systems using the hosted model.


Pro: Low Cost of Implementation

Because the provider owns the phone system, you avoid paying for hardware and software that comprise the system. This is a major reason why the hosted model is popular among startups and small businesses that need to conserve capital and implement a telephone network for the lowest upfront cost. Depending on the terms of your service agreement with the provider, all you may have to pay to start using your new telephone system is the service fee for the first month.


Con: Always Paying for the System

You won't have to pay for hardware and software resources that comprise your new telephone system, but you will continually pay a monthly fee for web-based access to the resources. If you know that your company or organization will use its new Avaya telephone system for several years, buying the system outright may be the most cost effective option in the long run. 


Pro: Problems Addressed Quickly

When you include 24/7 proactive monitoring in your service plan, any problems with the telephone system will be detected and addressed as soon as they arise. This service effectively prevents long periods of system downtime that could cause significant dips in productivity.  


Con: Waiting for On Site Response

A certified Avaya partner will use remote diagnostic tools to resolve most issues with your telephone system (the number is usually close to 100 percent). However, if an issue must be addressed on site, you may have to wait hours for a technician to arrive, depending on the terms of your service plan. This potential drawback doesn't exist with the in house model.


Pro: Easy to Predict Annual Expense

Implementing your telephone system using the hosted model allows you to pay a flat fee for system access. The fee may fluctuate from year to year based on market conditions. However, when you sign an annual service contract, you can predict what you will pay for the year ahead. This is another reason why many startups and small businesses prefer to use a hosted system. 



Deploying Avaya telephone systems on a hosted model has several advantages, including low cost of implementation, fast resolution of system issues, and the ability to predict annual service expense. Potential disadvantages include that fact that you will always pay for the system instead of owning it, and having to wait a couple of hours before technicians arrive at your location. For more information about implementing an Avaya phone system using the hosted model, contact an experienced provider of Avaya telephone systems and support services.  

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