Waking up early hours in the morning, our teenagers are still as excited as when they were toddlers, looking forward to unwrap all the presents under the Christmas tree. The lights, laughter, smiles, lit the house making it a very special occasion. I am really relieved both kids liked what I got, the practical gadgets, some trendy comfortable clothing something I know they would like to wear or benefit from. Their tastes in fashion is changing, because they are developing. I have learnt this by observing what they like & what they dislike. Making some final shopping decisions was easy. Taking the opportunity of the online shopping equipped with the research skills it wasn't difficult to get everything sorted in time for the festive holidays.

Unwrapping the presents, sending & receiving amazing messages from everyone was just so special & highly appreciated. The spirit of Christmas kicks in & here we start, the chatter of our happy children, husbands busiest agenda in the kitchen to get everything prepared, his cooking is exceptional. The music, the festive music cannot be without amazing tunes of jolly happy songs. The TV programs, some can only be watched once a year. Amazing actors, outstanding talents, brought to us to tell the story, to learn the amazing journeys in present, future & reveal the dark history times. We are so happy to cherish these moments, because these moments happen only once a year.

Not only it reinforces how special we are to each other but it's an eye opener how we treasure one another. My husband & I are good companions, we like spending time in each other company but we are doing it so not to express negative emulsions, which can push good companions apart. Showing affection one another, giving positive emulsions, even when someone is on the edge is such a positive stimulus, keeps the sin at bay. Promoting good, positive, can get assimilated causing favorable outcome, keeps brain in order, eliminates frustration & confusion. As a mum/wife I am admiring the happy faces, my desire is for all to have health, for all to have happiness. With the Christmas story it's so simple to understand the importance of love in the family. I am talking about the most sacred desire of every person/child something we should have within each one of us.   

From a very young age child gets the warmth from the parent, then the child keeps these qualities turning into a teenager, then to a young adult, then to an adult each time this unforgettable warmth should grow bigger, stronger, powerful, reaching superiority. Don't allow the warmth to change into a bucket of ice. Soon the ice would turn you into a heartless creature, we seem to hear about it more often now than ever before. Seeing some films would turn anyone into a grey empty snowflake & I am not kidding, developing not desirable addictions, slightly boring, nothing but to fulfil the "basic instincts".     


Source : articlesbase.com


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