The best game developers who have skills to create state of the art games have true creativity and innovation. This article talks about the importance of relying on Unity3D for game development. If you are planning to get a game developed and wondering what tools & technology to use for your project, you will find that many developers highly recommend working with Unity3D. Here are some of the top reasons why unity game development is so popular:Multi-Platform Game Development If you plan on publishing your game on multiple platforms such as Windows Phones, Android, iOS, Playstation, Steam, Xbox, Macs, PCs and the Wii, you will find that Unity is a great tool to take your game from one platform to another. Since porting a game to a different platform that relies on a different technology takes up a lot of time and effort, Unity makes the entire process a lot simpler. That said, you will still need to take every platform's unique features into account when building a game for that platform.The Large Developers Community While this may not be a direct benefit for you as a business, the developers you hire are able to benefit from a community of over 2 million developers that use Unity. Your developers will be able to rely on various online resources to get ideas, solutions and other tips and tricks for the program. If they get stuck on a developing issue, all they have to do is log on and chat with other like-minded people, find artists to collaborate with or go through forums to find a solution to their problem.Exploring the Asset Store The Asset Store by Unity is an excellent resource where you will find things such as characters, buildings and other objects for your game that you needn't develop from scratch. This helps you save significant time on your development and choose from a variety of options for every asset you want to use in your game. Scripting Languages You can use JavaScript or C# to script in unity. These are without doubt among the two most popular languages which are also very easy to begin with. Finally, in addition to 3D games, this platform also allows developers to pursue 2D game development. Unity 4.3 comes with a built-in 2D engine that experts of Unity game development in India strongly recommend. This version efficiently handles sprite animation, animation dope sheets, 2D physics, among many other things. If you are looking for mobile game developers, the author of this article recommends Juego Studios.

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