Are you looking for an effective and permanent solution to hair removal? Perhaps you have terrible side effects from shaving, such as irritated, itchy, and bumpy skin. If shaving is getting you down and you want a better solution, then you may have found your answer in laser hair removal in New York! While there are a multitude of benefits from laser hair treatments, there are also a few drawbacks, and those who are serious about getting the treatments should know about the pros and cons of the treatments.

Pros and Cons of Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is providing many Americans around the country with a long-lasting or even permanent solution to shaving. If you are tired of shaving and want a different solution, and are sick of wasting countless hours each year removing hair only to have it grow back, then you should definitely give laser hair removal a closer look! Yes, there are drawbacks to laser hair removal, and the following list outlines the drawbacks as well as the benefits:

  • Pro: Laser hair removal provides long-lasting results. In fact, many people find that after they complete their cycle of treatments, their hair is non-existent! If you are an ideal candidate and complete the entire cycle of treatments, this may be your results as well! Even those who do not get rid of all of their hair find that their hair is less thick and grows back much more slowly than it did before. A great way to get rid of your razors forever is with laser hair removal!
  • Con: Laser hair removal can be painful. Many patients experience pain and discomfort during laser hair procedures, though the severity of the pain varies greatly. The thicker and darker your hair the more pain you may experience. If you are having treatments in an area that is particularly sensitive, then you may experience more pain as well. Many people experience a mild burning sensation, or a feeling like being flicked with a rubber band. The up side of this pain is that it ends as soon as the laser moves on, and the pain rarely lingers. You may notice that your skin is red (much like a sunburn), sensitive, or swollen for a few hours after your treatment. There are topical ointments that your esthetician can give you to ease these side effects, or you can apply a cold compress to the area.
  • Pro: Laser hair removal is non-invasive. While there is some mild pain or discomfort involved in laser hair treatments, there is no downtime for the procedure. You can head out the door and back to work immediately after treatment. If you experience a mild reaction, your esthetician will have products available that will ease your discomfort.

Con: Laser hair removal is not for everyone. Not all patients experience the same rate of success with laser hair removal, so your esthetician cannot guarantee results. The ideal candidate for laser hair removal is one with light skin and dark hair follicles. This is because the laser used for treatment targets the melanin in dark hair follicles. If you are planning on laser treatments you will want to avoid the sun to keep your skin as light as possible. You can expect your treatments to be spaced about 6-8 weeks apart (to allow for hair re-growth) and for around 6 treatments for the full effects to be reached. Not every patient achieves 100% hair loss, but most patients that complete the full cycle of laser hair removal in New York notice significantly less hair growth, a longer time for re-growth, and much thinner growth overall.

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