URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator and it is a subset of the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that specifies where an identifier resource and the mechanism for retrieving it, will be available.

Purpose of URL:

A URL is a human - readable text which was basically designed to replace the IP addresses (numbers) that computers use to communicate with servers.

URL is a web address which is displayed in your web browser's address bar. For some, a URL is just an unique web address that holds the unique location of a web page on the internet. But for SEO experts, it's just not a location of a web page. It holds much more information than web page's location. It provides more informative signals that help users and search engines to easily understand the contents, its purpose and rank of this page in the target market.

SEO Friendly URLs:

The complicated URL's create various problems for users and search engines. A clear URL might assure readers that a page will deliver what they are searching for. These URLs will increase the percentage of people to click at your website's URL.

Here are some most important suggestions to make SEO Friendly URLs in order to rank the website/page higher in the search results:

  • Always use readable URLs only because if your web page's URL is not in readable form then users and the search engines can't understand your site's URL. Readable contents help them to better understand your site and business which will attract more search engines and visitors to your site.
  • Always use dashes or hyphens in URL which make them more readable and don't use underscores because Google has been very clear about dashes or hyphens. If you want to get higher rank in the biggest search engines in the world, you have to play by their rules.
  • Put important contents (URL structure, title etc) in the root folder. As URL structure signals top contents because it's your root folder.
  • Don't use capital letters in your URL because URLs are case-sensitive. Therefore don't confuse your users and search engines by using capital letters.
  • Always use canonical URL and avoid a duplicate content penalty by telling search engines your preferred domain and preferred web pages.
  • Upload a fav-icon in order to build your brand and build trust with your visitors/users and search engines.
  • Block bad URLs with robots.txt means that tell search engines to ignore dynamic URL that point to your canonical URL.
  • Also add mobile URL to sitemaps means to identify mobile friendly pages in sitemaps in order to rank your URL higher in mobile search results.
  • Use 301 redirects in order to tell Google about changes to your URL so you don't lose your ranking in the target market.
  • Always use target keywords in the URL because search engines read URL so they can better connect their users with relevant contents.
  • A URL is a human -readable text which was basically designed to replace the IP         addresses (numbers) that computers use to communicate with servers.

Source : articlesbase.com


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