Laravel – Impressive PHP Framework

Web development is always a  complex and time consuming task. But today, it's an easy process with the help of high-end PHP frameworks. A framework simplifies the task and maximizes the output. These frameworks accomplish easy maintenance and scalability. Over the years, several frameworks were introduced in PHP out of which few of them were successful. Laravel has been yet another impressive PHP framework that's equipped with plenty of  striking features. Laravel helps to modularize your code and appears in a cleaner way to read and understand.

Laravel offers your web application with astonishing foundation and well-tested code. Some of the features of Laravel that makes it different from other framework.

Restful routing:

Restful routing easily manages the client/server routes and connects to the resources. Restful controllers allow a separation between GET () and POST () commands.


Bundles are small packages that may be downloaded to add certain functionality in the web application. These packages can save the space for coding and time consumed.

Eloquent ORM:

The ORM in Laravel framework provides a simple and advanced active record implementation to work with database. This ORM is relatively faster than all other PHP frameworks.

Unit testing:

The Laravel framework has a built-in unit testing and run these tests with the artisan utility. This framework supports  numerous tests to maintain the application stability.


The composer tool in Laravel framework allows to manage the web application's third party packages easily. View composer are blocks of codes that can run when the view is loaded.

Class Autoloading:

Class auto loading is a feature in Laravel framework that assures correct component is loaded at the correct time.

IoC Container:

The Inversion of control will allow creating new objects and spontaneously instantiating singletons. While using IoC, it rarely needs to bootstrap any external library.

Artisan Scheduler:

Artisan scheduler is a new feature in laravel framework that simplifies the task needed to be scheduled.

Form Request:

An advanced feature of Laravel 5 is form request. This feature helps to create a simple contact form with fields such as name, email address and message. This feature serves the base for processing and validating the form data.

Why Laravel is unique compared to other PHP frameworks?

  • Laravel framework is supported by the auto-complete feature. This framework has Object oriented libraries which are not found in other frameworks.
  • Laravel framework has a lot of inbuilt features that help in template engines, service layers, dependency injection containers and creating a layer of well structured code.
  • Not necessary to rewrite the code, because most of the code is kept organized and only certain functions are needed to load the code.
  • Laravel framework is incorporated with most of the widgets such as CSS and JS with solid structures.
  • Larval framework has the templates designed with a simple web page layout  with sections.
  • This framework is integrated with authorization library.
  • Laravel keeps all the SQL files in a separate model file, so coding is stress-free that is easy to maintain and monitor.
  • Laravel has the auto-loading facility that automatically loads the PHP classes without any manual maintenance.


Laravel framework is a modern web application that designs unique and customized web applications quickly. Most of the PHP developers get attracted to this framework when they start working on it. Most of the web developers use this framework to design their own infrastructure that is specifically designed for certain applications like CMS. Laravel gives the facility to the developer to create modest sites with limited features or massive sites with rich features.



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