Elections are the base on which the pillars of a successful democracy are built. If a country is not able to conduct a fair election, or the people of the country do not actively participate in these elections, the democracy in that country will crash. Therefore, whether you are someone who is responsible for the administration of the country or are a simple common man of the country, you need to understand the importance of the election happening in your city and your country, and make sure that you make your participation count by ensuring that one a good candidate gets selected for running the governance of your city and country. The power to decide who is my congressman NY lies completely in the hands of the general public.Know Your CandidatesThe decision of who is my congressman NY is a very important decision and therefore, before you cast your vote, you need to make sure that you find out all the details about the various candidates who are running for the election. With Charles Rangel deciding not to contest the Clyde Williams 2016, it becomes even more important that you carefully analyze the potential candidate list for these elections, as the person winning these elections will be holding this position for the first time, and hence his capabilities for doing the job can only be known through an analysis of his past work. For example, one of the potential candidates for this election is Rev. Micheal A. Walrond Jr. Rev. Micheal A. Walrond Jr. is a Senior Pastor at the First Corinthisn Church and he is mostly known for the way in which he has revolutionized the prospective of the black church.  Besides this, there are many other accomplishments which are associated with his name. Similarly, every other candidate has also done some great work in some other field. You need to look at their achievements closely and then decide whether he would make a good replacement for Charles Ranger or not.Know The IssuesEvery candidate, whether Rev. Micheal A. Walrond Jr. or some other candidate, fights the election on certain issues. They promise that if elected, they would use all their power to ensure these issues and problems get eradicated from the society. Again, knowledge of these issues, which the candidates promise to deal with, becomes important in making the decision about the replacement of Charles Rangel. In everyday life, we all face certain problems and hope that the government will help us out of these matters. If a candidate does not promise to do anything about your problem, but takes up issues that do not concern you, then electing him would not benefit you and hence, instead of voting for him, you should cast your vote for someone who is talking about your issues.Participate To Live HappyIf you wish to live happily in your city, then you need to make the decision about who is my congressman NY in a smart and intelligent manner. A casual attitude towards such an important decision will make your life only more difficult.

Source : articlesbase.com


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