It's very seen that most of young women are putting up with abuse in relationships at many levels that may be physical, sexual, mental, financial and emotional.  Physical and sexual abuses are more visible, others are equally destroying to a person's self respect. Abusive violence is not in your face. There are no physical scars or signs, it's not noticed, as it happens behind closed doors. Your partner don't love you if he abuses you as mentioned below:

Mental abuse: There is no physical violence, but then there was mental trauma, lots of it.  Over the time becomes more dangerous. Your self-esteem get lost.

Humiliation: He pass you constantly signals like he call you fat, like it's a cute thing to say, your eating habits all in the presence of his friends, your walking way. It would be devastated. He compliments other women in your presence. He have many female friends, but you banned from having male friends. It was vulnerable and it shows that he don't love you and determine to leave him.Control your social media and curbed my freedom: He want to know every little detail of your day like who you spoke to during lunch breaks at office, what all things happened throughout the day. He had your FB password. He is torturing you, take a decision and finally move on.

Financially abuse: He made you spend your all hard earned money on him and treated you like his personal property.  He had absolutely no respect for my work or salary. He is nothing but an insecure, insensitive, selfish man. He is not your real partner just breakup with him.

Notice his abuses & act fast: Notice and identify signs of abuse and just say no to abusive violence. Sadly, most of women in abusive relationships don't even know they are suffering from it. If you feel restrained, if there is no consistency between your personal sense of right and wrong and what's happening to you, then it is abuse. A lot of women gets violent when her partner is drunk, but he is absolutely fine and nice to her, when he is not. It's crucial to understand that the good times in a relationship can't compensate for the bad times. Women should judge the intention behind what is said or done to them. If a man is 'protective', he might not want you to travel alone late at night from work because he is worried about your safety. But if he is 'possessive', he is likely to not even allow you many options to do your everyday work. Abusive men defeat your self-esteem, and then play tricks on your underlying fears of abandonment and loneliness. Identify abusive violence and seek support.


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