The practice of being available all the time and standing over others' shoulder to point at them is a good idea, and it is fast and friendly as well. However, in the long run, it will be resulting in harm and not good.

Salesforce Users Should Be Independent

It is common for many parents to do the homework given to their children to help them. Of course, it is a very bad idea to help the kids by doing their homework, and you will accept the same if you are smart enough. Children get homework as they might not realize what they learned in school, and they can solve the problems given to them at home to find the answers. When parents do their kids' homework, the kids will not realize the fact that they will forget the concept learned in a few weeks. Parents are not helping them, but robbing their learning ability that will them become self-sufficient and independent.

Parents help their children as the competitiveness has increased to a great extent, and the assignment overload is forcing parents to help their children in doing their homework. Many parents justify their action saying there is not much time for their children to do the homework, and parents with the knowledge can do it quickly for their kids.

This is the same that applies to the Salesforce users as well. In a large accounting firm, the work is done faster if a Salesforce person does it as he or she will have the knowledge. Those who are not self-sufficient and independent require someone whom they can depend on to get their work done. This will work in the short run, but not in the long run. But, can one deal with the same?

Modified Training Solution

A modified Salesforce training centre is necessary to help the Salesforce people handle their work on their own and stay independent and self-sufficient. To help you understand this, children who get homework will get all the resources from the school, and the children have to find the answer on their own. Homework is meant to learn how to read the answers and go by the instructions. Parents should help them by providing similar resources to find the answer on their own.

Likewise, the training given to them should be modified so that the concepts and overviews are taught to them instead of facts that have to be memorized. Show the organization how you can use the available resources to complete the steps and carry out the workflow. You need to teach them how they can find answers and use the resources to get their work done in a valuable way. Of course, no one will be able to memorize all the ideas that were shared in a training session, and this has to be kept in mind.

Basically, the modified training session is to reduce the efforts of memorizing what they can do in a specific situation that they encounter. Memorizing or following the workflow blindly will not help them in the long run. There are materials available on the internet related to Salesforce onboarding as well as training.

Creating Resources

For some of the Salesforce workflows, you need to use the documentation and the available YouTube videos that are available. The reason is that nothing that you do is unique from what a million other people are doing. This difference is very important to help you in the long run.

For instance, if your Salesforce is unique, you should create a customized documentation and a set of answers. In case you are using the right tools, it will not take much time, and the users will also love it. A majority of the users do not want to constantly ask you to help them constantly. If you give them an easier way to know the answers, they will use them on their own without depending on you.

You need to ensure that your Salesforce should use the right field level help in order to answer the basic questions related to the type of information that should be entered.

Thinking About The Long Term

In case, you do not provide the right tools, your users will require your support on a constant basis to get the answers. This over the shoulder training will work in a great way, but only on a short-term basis. It will become terrible in the long run. You will not be able to create an environment where all of them will rely on you, and they can get the work done when you are there to help them. You need to provide links to the available videos and documentation or create a new set that is easily accessible. This will show your organization how you can use the resources and tools to get their job done easily.

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