One generally comes through a common phrase when designing a website, which is doesn't focus on search engines while designing the website. Instead the focus should be on delivering a great user experience. Very few people have a clear idea about the difference between the two. The general question raised is – can a good user experience as well as effective SEO strategy be implemented at the same time for the betterment of the website?

The answer for the question is – YES, but there are some restrictions which have to be taken care of. The website's navigation should be proper so that users can easily navigate within the website. It becomes easy for them to locate what they are looking for. The most importantly, we should try that they keep coming back repeatedly.

Four Best ways to balance SEO and User Experience:

Avoid Repetitive Use of Keywords

Using a keyword is important in order to increase the ranking of a website in the search results algorithm. But be careful, the Google search algorithm is tough enough to detect that the keywords are being stuffed or being used in a natural way. Google's updates such as Panda and Penguin always have an eye on website quality, and penalize websites that do not adhere to their guidelines and use irrelevant keywords in order to rank better.

The best alternative option can be to use it in the title tag, ALT tag of the images, and defining URL related to the targeted keyword. Having keywords 2-3 times in a natural way make sense and provide benefits.

Updating Website at regular Interval

Changing a website from scratch at regular interval is not possible, but one can regularly publish new articles or update the existing ones so that the website keeps on the indexing at regular interval in search engines.

Initiating regular research work on what the audience is looking for and then catering their requirements through the website content can be really beneficial.

 Simplify Navigation

Users generally land on a website page to find solutions to their problems and get their requirements at ease. If they don't find it, they might move to another website. Therefore, navigation becomes important in order to serve the audience in a proper way. 

One should study and understand the requirements of the audience and then use that information to ease the navigation process. The title of the path should be clear so that users have a clear understanding about the page they are going to.

Incorporate Responsive Designing

Google has realised the importance of having mobile friendly responsive website and have considered it as a ranking factor in mobile search results. Website optimized for mobile now directly has the impact on search presence. Responsive designing have been the best solution for most of professional IT firms as it adapts itself on desktops, laptops tablets and phones.  

There are several other ways by which one can keep a balance between the user experience and SEO. The only thing one should focus is giving comfort to visitors so that they enjoy navigating the website and love to visit it in future.

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