Nothing is better than laying in soft, green grass on a cool summer night. However, that luscious lawn takes work. Water, nutrients, and sunlight all go into keeping that lawn soft and gorgeous. Keeping your landscaping well-manicured can involve tasks such as aerating or hiring lawn care services in Marietta. However, with a few simple steps and the right experts on your side, your yard will look more beautiful than ever. Here are some ways to get things looking great:

  1. Clear out the debris from last season. With the cold weather, trees, plants, and shrubs all shed their leaves. This debris can end up in your yard, covering your lawn and flower beds. Before planting and getting your yard ready for springtime, take the time to clear out the old in order to make way for the new. Rake out any leaves and be sure to pull out any dead plants or branches. Then, your beds will be clean, and clear, and ready for planting.
  2. Aerate your lawn. Aerating your lawn involves digging small holes into the surface of your lawn. This is an excellent way to give your grass a boost. When done right before the spring season, it allows air to reach the roots of your lawn. Then, when it's time to water and fertilize, your grass can absorb the nutrients much easier. This will leave your yard looking better than ever once the sun comes out.
  3. Fertilize your yard. At least twice a year, it's beneficial to fertilize your lawn. This can give your lawn the nutrients it needs to thrive. Normally, it's best to fertilize right before the weather turns cold and right after it begins to thaw. There are, however, many different types of fertilizer to choose from. It's important to use the one that is best for your lawn. If you aren't sure which one to purchase, speak with a professional.
  4. Keep things cut. Once things have been cleared, aerated, and fertilized, it's important to keep it maintained. Mowing your lawn and pruning your trees and bushes is a great way to keep them growing strong. Depending on the type of grass that you have in your yard, you may need to mow it twice a week. The shorter you keep your grass, the greener it will be. It will make it easier to absorb water. Also, it's important to trim your trees and prune them in order to keep them healthy. If you notice any damaged or diseased branches, trim them immediately to keep your landscape thriving.
  5. Don't forget to water. Everything in your yard needs water to survive. Depending on your landscaping, there could be different plants that require different amounts of water. If you have questions about the times and amount of water that your plants require, it's best to consult with a professional lawn care or landscaping company. They will be able to help you establish the best way to care for your yard.
  6. Hire a professional. Keeping your lawn perfectly manicured can take work. Instead of doing it yourself, consider hiring a professional company to maintain it for you. Not only will it keep your landscaping looking pristine, but it will save your from guessing how much water and fertilizer to use.

Keeping your yard looking sharp this summer doesn't need to be difficult. Whether you hire professional lawn care services in Marietta or do the work yourself, with a few simple steps, your landscaping will look lush, green, and more pristine than ever.


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