In a nutshell, it is the official authority of Waste Clearance in London. The board acts in accordance with the strategy maintained by municipal waste management authority. These objectives that are set by LWARB are funded by the central government in London and London development agency. Here are some of their duties carried out by London Waste and Recycling Board that keeps the city clean and well managed.

Production of Less Waste

The best way to control the waste is to produce less of it. The residents and the commercial properties located within the city of London are educated about the process of reducing less waste. They are also encouraged to refer to Waste Clearance services in London from time to time so that they can prevent the waste from accumulating in their homes. The board undertakes the responsibility of reducing the waste creation as much as possible.

Recycling the waste produced

 If you cannot reduce the waste, at least recycle it! Yes, that is another effective way of reducing the dependence of new resources by using the existing ones through recycling. The board promotes recycling of kitchen waste in the form of compost for their gardens which is not only a much healthier option for their soil but also reduces a lot of garbage that sits untreated in the landfill areas. Recycling of waste can be done in a fun way by undertaking some DIY projects that uses old plastic bottles of cardboard boxes etc. There are many creative ways to use the waste around the house or your office and by doing so you can also reduce the waste creation. The rubbish that you think cannot be reused should be handed over to the companies that offer Junk Clearance in London.

Disposing the waste in environment friendly way

 The London waste and recycling board's core responsibility is to dispose the waste in such a way that it does least harm to the environment. This is why the residents are required to do their bit in sorting the waste as per its classification so that these waste removal companies can do their jobs effectively. The waste is collected, treated and then disposed in an environment friendly way.

LWARB has the authority to do what they think is conducive to effective carrying out of its functions. The board has been formed with the clear objective of keeping the city clean and the waste well managed. For the authority to carry out their duties, it is a collective effort of people of the city and the board who work in harmony to keep London clean. The waste if left to its own devices can wreak havoc on the city's maintenance and health of its people.  

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