You probably spent hours looking at couches and picking out the perfect sofa for your room. In fact, you probably designed your whole living room around the style of the couch you have chosen. However, are you doing what it takes to keep your couch looking as great as the day you bought it? Your couch needs maintenance in order to ensure it stays looking great for years. However, before you start cringing at the word "maintenance," keep in mind that these steps are fairly simple. Here are a few tips for keeping your Crowley Furniture couch looking beautiful.

  1. Fluff it up. The cushions on your couch are used regularly. Because of this constant pressure, the material inside begins to contract and lose its shape. This can result in a flat and lifeless-looking sofa. Instead, remove the cushions and fluff them. Whether they are the back cushions or the seat cushions, take some time on a regular basis to reshape your cushions. You can knead them, punch them, or fluff them. It doesn't matter how you do it; it just needs to be done. Then, try rotating the cushions as needed. This will avoid sinkholes or uneven wear on your cushions.
  2. Flip 'em. While fluffing these cushions will help, be sure to turn them around every once in a while. Interior designers recommend that the cushions on your couch be flipped every two weeks. It can be as simple as flipping them over. However, in some cases, you may need to unzip the case and flip the inside around. This could double the life of your upholstered furniture and keep it comfortable.
  3. Vacuum it. When you vacuum, take the time to clean off your couch as well. This will remove any dust that could be settled in the fibers. Dust and dirt can grind the fibers of your couch down and cause holes to develop. By vacuuming it, you remove that grime. It could leave the fabric looking as new and fresh as day one. If you have a pet, this will remove any lingering hairs, leaving your home looking cleaner.
  4. Keep food and liquid off its surface. While you might be tempted to move your game day party to the living room, keep the food in the kitchen. Food particles and liquid can easily seep into the cushions of your couch and cause serious damage. Liquid is difficult to clean once it's past the covering of your couch. Once inside, it can cause mold and mildew to grow. This could mean that you'll be buying a new sofa much sooner than you expected. While food particles don't soak into the cushions of your couch, they can fall in between the cracks and grow mold. Play it safe; keep the food in the kitchen and keep your couch looking good.
  5. Avoid the sun. If possible, keep your couch away from the sun. Ultraviolet rays are the natural enemy of furniture. They can cause the fabric to fade and leather to crack. Protect your furniture by conditioning the leather or putting up blinds and curtains. If you still notice fading, consider having your windows tinted.  No one wants tan lines on their couch. Filter the sun out and keep your couches looking fresh.

You spent a lot of money on your couch. It should last you a long time. However, if you aren't taking care of your sofa, you can bet that it won't last. By following the tips listed above, you can be sure that your couch from Crowley Furniture will keep you and your family comfortable through all of your activities.

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