Is it really that tough ? In today's day and age, originality is a quality very rarely found. The mantra for success nowdays has become if you cannot make it, fake it. Yes, being fake is a common as finding manholes in the streets of world. Why do these manholes of the society do such things ? The answer is "to be noticed by the society they live in", I guess. Its absurd sometimes as we are answerable to no one except our parents and God almighty. So, there is no reason as to why we should fake stuff. We hide our imperfections and try to camourflage our wrongs by putting up a face that is so fake that it is almost repulsive. Psychologically speaking, every man likes to throw above his/her weight. Man is a social animal. Men do such things for their ego. Ego is an institution which was started for bringing the people's thinking down. For social acceptance, we tend to lie about our credentials which helps us achieve higher status in the society. But, is social acceptance that important? I'd rather be imperfect and lying down in my bed alone than faking it and trying to impress a bunch of strangerss for some 'status'. Empty vessels make the most noise, they say. Most of us are trying to achieve a cult status in our lives by faking it. We have a strong sense of cockiness and arrogance which tends to make us belive that we are the best that has ever stepped foot on this earth.Being yourself is not that tough. We just need to accept our mistakes. Get a little goofy.Be open to suggestions. Be clumsy. Be crazy. Do not be ashamed to own up for your mistakes. Stop caring much. Instead of criticizing others, look at your imperfections first. Accept them in your mind and move on.The day we stop correcting ourselves is the day we stop growing. We need to make mistakes in order to get a better version of ourselves. Expand your circle and avenues. Get to know other culture and people. The moment we think in our mind that we have become someone great is the day when we start to self destruct. Always be humble in speech and cocky through work. Let the work speak for yourself. There will be people who will discourage and make up stories. You do not need to care. Just be yourself and success shall follow.

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