If you are looking to gather MUT coins there are many easy ways of getting them. Here are some of the most effective ways:

Hitting the auction house

When you aren't playing, it's highly recommended that you visit the auction house. While in the market, buy a player at a high price then flip him to someone for a higher price. Badges are also very lucrative when you buy the right ones.

When it comes to players, there are some that are more valuable than others. For example, fullbacks are rare thus more valuable than others. If you have money these are the players that you should focus on.

It's easy to make money in the auction house, but you need to be patient.

When buying players or badges, avoid buying in packs. Buying in packs not only takes away your freedom of choice, it's also exorbitant and you end up paying a lot of money. Instead of buying in packs, take your time to put a team together. You should also keep your eyes open for discounts and bargains.

Compete in tournaments

Tournaments serve as great places to make coins within a short time. To make coins, you need to ensure that you win as many games as possible. This calls for you to put together a strong team.

After choosing a team style, find players that fit your system. When putting together a team, remember that the cost of the players doesn't greatly determine their performance; therefore, you shouldn't spend a lot of money on players as the tactic might be worthless in the long run.

Buy coins

If you don't want to go through the hassle of making coins, you should consider buying them from the many sellers in the market. You should research and find reputable and affordable sellers in the market.

The cool thing with buying coins is that you rise up the game fast as you don't waste time looking for coins. With money in the auction house, you are able to buy many of the highly valuable players and sell them at an even higher price thus making more money.

You also make the game interesting and strong when you buy coins. Since you have money, you are able to buy at a high price. This puts pressure on other players and are forced to increase their prices thus making the game strong.


It's easy to make MUT coins if you know what to do. When buying coins, your information may be compromised; therefore, you need to be careful of the sites you buy coins from. As rule of thumb, buy from reputable and well-known sites. Also ensure that the site processes coins in a way that won't get your account banned.


Source : articlesbase.com


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