Healthcare directives, also known as living wills, or advance directives, are forms indicating a person's specific, legal instructions or preferences for medical services. Essentially, these directives are a person's way of "signing off" on something on behalf of a sick individual. Directives are needed when the sick individual is unable to make their own decisions for a number of reasons. 

For example, the patient may be any of the following.

  • Comatose
  • Seriously injured
  • Suffering from dementia
  • Mentally disabled
  • In the end stages of a serious illness
  • Under age 18
  • Otherwise incapable of giving verbal instructions
  • Otherwise incapable of providing a written signature on medical documents

With careful planning and the assistance of a qualified attorney in Simpsonville, SC, your loved ones can get the medical care they need, protect their individual preferences, and ensure that they are treated respectfully by medical professionals. In addition, working with an attorney allows you to receive similar treatment if you are the sick or injured individual. Disaster, tragedy, or illness could strike at any time, after all. Working with an attorney ensures that, no matter your age, you make the proper preparations.

Why Should You Prepare Healthcare Directives?

There are many reasons why you might want to arrange to meet with an attorney and prepare healthcare directives:

  • First of all, your loved ones will want clear instructions on how to proceed with your healthcare needs. If you are near death, you will not want your loved ones to have to make important decisions while grieving or in distress.
  • Second, you will want to be sure that you are not put into a situation that is not ideal for you. For example, you may not want to remain on life support after being declared brain dead.
  • Also, you will want to be sure that your wishes are carried out specifically as you indicate. When you develop healthcare directives, healthcare professionals will be legally bound to follow your instructions. 
  • And finally, you will want to ensure that the correct individuals are making your healthcare decisions for you. If you want your spouse to make healthcare decisions on your behalf, then your parents may attempt to make decisions on your behalf instead. Prevent conflicts or intrusions by naming 1 or 2 individuals to make important decisions that are not already listed in your healthcare directives documents.
Who Should You Select as a Healthcare Agent?

Your healthcare agent is an individual who makes decisions on your behalf as indicated by your healthcare directives. This individual is said to hold power of attorney. If you are unsure who to select as your healthcare agent, then be sure that they meet the following criteria:

  • They are not healthcare providers (doctors, nurses, therapists, etc.) that you may be under the care of.
  • You trust them to make decisions on your behalf and uphold your wishes
  • They are capable of discussing important and potentially complex medical issues with healthcare providers.
  • They can advocate for you when there are disagreements about how to proceed with your healthcare needs.
  • They support your positions on organ donation, life support, body donation, and other areas of concern.

Your healthcare directives can be updated and changed at any time. There are numerous situations in which you may want or need to do so--for example, if your marital status, medical needs, finances, or health status change. Adjusting these healthcare directives simply involves meeting with an attorney in Simpsonville, SC. An attorney will help explain the various decisions you need to make, how they apply to you, and how your loved ones will be affected. Most importantly, your attorney can draft clear and concise documents for you that will be legally binding. This is the best way to protect yourself and your loved ones in the event that you are injured or fall ill.

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