As observed by Experian Marketing Services, a user spends 8% of total time on playing games daily on his  smartphone. Gaming applications entertain users in their leisure time and act as a saviour from tedious life activities. With the growth of mobile marketing, the world of development of gaming applications also raised momentum.


In the mobile industry, everything follows a circular trend. Today, people are dependent on smartphones and smartphones are dependent on apps, out of which game apps happen to be very popular. With this, the market for different types of games experienced a robust growth. Today, the scale of investments in the development of game applications is immense and this has only added more fuel to the growth of the game app industry.


The First and foremost rule of any business is to start adhering to the basic principle of 5W & 1H. After adhering to these principles the journey to develop a successful application and to gain its reach starts. Thereafter, the developers focus on increasing the number of downloads to take their apps to stardom. Now, after all this is done, the key role of marketing comes in. To make any app successful, follow these marketing strategies.


  1. Know your competitor well: According to market research expert Stephen Philips, businesses need to spend more time watching their backs and looking at what their competitors are up to. This will help them to know about their strategies and then, one can implement more creative ideas and methods to publicise their app.


  1. The first look of the Page: Landing Page is the first thing that drives people towards it. Be it the application's landing page or the web page, it has to be creative and unique so that it can grab the visitors attention. A better way to get it created is through an expert. There are many app development companies which focus on the entire development of an app, from looks to coding, everything. One such example is Affle Appstudioz that has created some of the best game apps like Sneakers strike, Farm Riders, which offer a great user experience.


  1. Marketing! Publicity! Advertising! The three synonymic words matter the most for a brand. Creating a page, spreading the word through online promotion and boosting the post or campaigns with the help of Paid media, you can create a sound digital marketing strategy. Best way to increase marketing is through an optimizing digital platform, such as Affle's MAAS (Mobile Audience as a Service)  platform. Affle provides various marketing solutions to its clients and help them attain greater ROI.


  1. Be the gossip: Creating a buzz amongst influencers and bloggers can also help in brand acknowledgement. The content should be powerful enough so that it leaves huge impact on influencers. This in turn will help in distribution of the story to niche communities hence, boosting the social engagement too.

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